BINGO! Line ~ Horizontal

May 23, 2013 10:33

SKARGASM, Fiction and Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series
Love list: (The One, Venus, Love is Blind, Love with a Capital L, Wild Card: Gentle Love)

Title: → A Refuge for Loyal Hearts ~ Chapter 32
Author: → skargasm
Rating: → NC17
Pairing(s): → Spike/Xander
Genre: → AU
Word Count: → 1843
Prompt (s): → Wild Card: Gentle Love

Title: → Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Author: → skargasm
Rating: → R
Pairing(s): → Angelus/Cordelia
Genre: → AU
Word Count: → 596
Prompt (s): → Venus

Title: → Tender Moments
Author: → skargasm
Rating: → R
Pairing(s): → Spike/Xander
Genre: → AU
Word Count: → 892
Prompt (s): → Love With a Capital L

Title: → Zeal for Life : Chase'd
Author: → skargasm
Rating: → R
Pairing(s): → Charles Gunn/Cordelia Chase
Genre: → AU
Word Count: → 1982
Prompt (s): → Love Is Blind

Title: → Love's Gentle Touch
Author: → skargasm
Rating: → R
Pairing(s): → Spike/Xander
Genre: → AU
Word Count: → 596
Prompt (s): → Wild Card: Gentle Love

fiction: fan, fandom: angel, ♥: love with a capital l, rated: nc-17, time: round 3, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, ♥: love is blind, ♥: the one, ♥: wild card, ♥: venus, player: skargasm, bingo: line (horizontal), rated: r

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