Ask for a card, here. Make sure you've read the rules first.
Friendly reminder: as per the rules
love_bingo accepts original and fan works with the exception of RPF and RPS.
Please, DO NOT HOTLINK! Copy your card to our own server. You all have one, your LJ scrapbook. :) Thank you!
Remember, posting opens in two weeks on Monday, April 1. ♥
Have fun with your card!
Sign ups are open until August 15.
If you complete a blackout, and request another card, mention it so I can make sure your second card won't have the same prompts as your first unless you like a challenge and don't mind to write for the same prompt(s) again.
Good luck everyone! Have fun!
ETA: (May 27, 2013) I'm experiencing phone line problems. I've lost my Internet connexion for the past 10 days. I don't know when it'll be fixed. I'll do my best to answer your card requests as soon as I can. All my apologies for the trouble.
Sorry! You're too late! Round 3 is over. I don't hand over cards anymore. This post is obsolete.