Amnesty! 4 Fills

Jul 05, 2012 21:58

Author: aviv_b
Medium: Fic
Fandom: Torchwood
Love list: Platonic Love, Forbidden Love, Love Bite, Eternal Love
Disclaimer: Not mine, Aunty B's & RTD's

Kill the Wabbit
Pairing/Characters: Ianto/?, Owen, Jack
Rating: pg
Summary: There's a lovely lady Ianto loves almost as much as Jack.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1700
Prompt: Platonic Love

Boy from Boeshane
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Alien, OCC
Rating: R
Summary: He's just a young man, on his first trip off planet.
Warnings: Dub-con
Word Count: 1560
Prompt: Forbidden Love

Love Me Tender
Pairing/Characters: Jack/John Hart
Rating: NC-17
Summary: John and Jack stuck in a time loop. How will they pass the time?
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2375
Prompt: Love Bite

A Promise Kept
Pairing/Characters: Jack/numerous
Rating: PG
Summary: Jack keeps a promise for a very long time.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 990
Prompt: Eternal Love

Mods: Couldn't find a platonic love' tag

fiction: fan, fandom: torchwood, ♥: eternal love, ♥: love bite, rated: nc-17, player: aviv_b, ♥: forbidden love, time: round 2, ♥: platonic love, rated: r, rated: pg

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