Bingo! Horizontal Line

Jun 30, 2012 13:02

Author: Diminua
3 original fic, one sort of songfic (My Perfect Cousin by the Undertones) and one Sherlock fic
Love list: (Love with a capital L, Lovesickness, Compromises, Marriage for Money, Candle in the Wind)


Original Characters (Simon, Mark, Caroline and Sally)
Rating: PG
Summary: Sometimes you can't have what you want.
Warnings: none really
Word Count: 716

Marriage for Money,

Original Characters (Simon, Mark, Caroline and Sally) 
Rating: PG
Summary: Sometimes you can have what you want.
Warnings: none really
Word Count: 533


Original characters inspired by 'My Perfect Cousin' by The Undertones
Rating: PG
Summary: It's all a misunderstanding, really.
Warnings: Swearing, aggressive language and thoughts.
Word Count: 782

Candle in the Wind,

Original Characters (unnamed)
Rating: PG
Summary: Going out fighting.
Warnings: Mentions of illness and (briefly) of death. Angst and swearing.
Word Count: 672

Love with a capital L,

Fandom: Sherlock
Characters: Molly and Lestrade
Rating: U
Summary: Happy Birthday Molly Hooper.
Warnings: Spoilers for series 2
Word Count: 1351
Disclaimer: Sherlock is the property of Moffat, Gatiss and Conan Doyle. In no particular order.

Hi Mod, sorry I'm so late! I think I need some tags pls. Compromises, Candle in the Wind and Marriage for Money (wasn't sure if I should use Marriage of Convenience) Thank you.

♥: compromises, fiction: fan, ♥: lovesickness, player: diminua, ♥: love with a capital l, fiction: original, ♥: candle in the wind, ♥: marriage for money, bingo: line (horizontal), fandom: sherlock, time: round 2, rated: pg

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