Bingo! Blackout

May 28, 2012 00:47

Author: rinkafic
Medium: Fic & icons
Fandoms: Torchwood, Stagate Atlantis, Once Upon a Time, Avengers, Stargate SG-1, Farscape, Star Trek, Alias, Original Fiction
Love list: Cupid, I Miss You, First Kiss, Defining us, Mutual Love, Attraction, Prince Charming, i Like You, Feelings, Saying Goodbye, Sexuality, Fairytale, Pregnancy, My Heart Will Go On, Puppy Love, Love Potion, Motherhood, Token of Love, Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word, We are Family, Love Affair, Polygamy, Diamond, Porn, Breakup Sex
Bingo Card is Here

((Mods, need following tags added: fandom: torchwood, fandom: stagate atlantis, fandom: avengers, fandom: stargate sg-1, fandom: farscape, fandom: star trek, fandom: alias, rating: gen, rating: r, rating: pg, rating: nc-17, player: rinkafic, First Kiss, Defining us, Mutual Love, Sexuality, Fairytale, Puppy Love, Love Potion, Motherhood, Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word, We are Family, Polygamy, Diamond, Breakup Sex))

Title: Love at High Speed
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: “Cupid” 
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 802

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Roland is not happy in his work, then he hears about Speed Dating.

Title: Missing Ianto
Fandom: Torchwood 
Prompts: “I Miss You”
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,460

Warning: Apparent death of character
Summary: Nandeer Jack has to made a hard decision to get his Gara Ianto back, Owen, Gwen and Tosh do not like the plan, not one bit.


Title: A is for Advance
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Prompt: “First Kiss” 
Medium: Fic
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,750

Warning: RAPE
Summary: Lorne and Parrish face some trouble.

Title: Stop Drifting Now, Please
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Prompt:  “Defining Us” 
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 599

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Chuck thinks Sheppard is the one.

Title: Love You Too! 
Fandom: None/Stock
Prompt: "Mutual Love" 
Medium: 16 Icons
Rating: Gen

Warning: No standard warnings apply
Summary: images of people who love each other


Title: The Light Time
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt:  “Attraction” 
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 651

Warning: Character death
Summary: Telling a grandchild about The Light.


Title: Charming
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Prompt: "Prince Charming" 
Medium: 35  Icons
Rating: Gen

Warning: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Some color-blocked and layered icons, a few sepia, a few normal crops of Charming/David and Snow/Mary Margaret


Title 5 ‘Ships and Ships Jack Stumbled Into
Fandoms: Torchwood Crossover
Prompt: “I Like You” 
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 4,060

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Jack's wristband is malfunctioning.


Title: Bottled Up
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: “Feelings”
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 590

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Leslie hates her writing assignment.  She isn't too fond of Vi, either. 

Title: B is for Breakup
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis - AU
Prompt:  “Saying Goodbye”
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count:1,520

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary:: Major Parrish and Doctor Lorne get trapped.

Title: Not What I Want
Fandom: Avengers
Prompt: “Sexuality”
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 622

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Captain America has a little personal problem.

Title: Balls and Frogs
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Prompt: "Fairy Tale"
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count:3,909

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Yes, I have made Cam a pretty, pretty princess


Title: Whose Turn is it?
Fandom: Farscape
Prompt: “Pregnancy” - Wildcard
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,012

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary:The weird in John Crichton's life just keeps getting weirder.


Title: P is for Pain and Poison
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Prompt: “My Heart Will Go On”
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Word Count:1,148

Warnings: Suicide, apparent character deaths
Summary: Doctor Evan Lorne can't take it when Major Parrish is lost.


Title: Breaking the Rules
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Prompt: "Puppy Love"
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count:670

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Stackhouse is doing something he knows he should not be doing.


Title: Finding The Grove
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompts:  “Love Potion”
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count:1,635

Warning: Character death
Summary: when things go wrong, Glazi finds herself cast out


Title: For My Babies
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: “Motherhood” 
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count:580

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Sometimes it hurts, doing what needs to be done.


Title: In Your Hands
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis - AU
Prompt: “Token of Love”      
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,035

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Ronon knows what he has to do to make everything right again, even though it hurts.


Title: Too Far
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Prompt: “Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word”
Medium: Fic
Rating: R
Word Count:: 732

Warning: Mostly!dead!Sheppard
Summary: Cadman and Sheppard's love play goes wrong.


Title: Z is for Zoecastra Laylandnra
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Prompt: “We are Family”
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 2,463

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: "It's a baby!" "It's the best baby, Dingle."


Title: Affair, Remembered
Fandom: Star Trek - Original Series
Prompt:  "Love Affair"
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Word Count: 751

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary:: Yeoman Janice Rand is attracted to the captain, despite regulations.


Title: Loving and Giving
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: “Polygamy”
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,203

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary:Spring was happy, how could it have been bad?


Title: Proof of Plan
Fandom: Alias
Prompt: “Diamond"
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 781

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Lauren has Michael right where she put him


Title: N is for Need
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis - AU
Prompt: "Porn"

Medium: Fic
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,025

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary:: Evan is a down on his luck painter who has to take desperate measures to get by.


Title: For Your Own Good
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Prompts:  “Breakup Sex”
Medium: Fic
Rating: NC-17
Word Count:3,008

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Rodney has to do it, for John's own good.

♥: sexuality, ♥: pregnancy, ♥: puppy love, ♥: feelings, fiction: original, fandom: star trek, rated: r, bingo: blackout, ♥: attraction, ♥: defining us, ♥: token of love, ♥: breakup sex, ♥: we are family, fandom: torchwood, ♥: i like you, ♥: mutual love, ♥: i miss you, ♥: porn, ♥: love potion, fandom: once upon a time, ♥: cupid, ♥: motherhood, ♥: love affair, time: round 2, rated: pg, ♥: first kiss, fiction: fan, ♥: my heart will go on, ♥: diamond, fandom: farscape, fandom: stargate sg-1, ♥: polygamy, ♥: wild card, ♥: fairytale, ♥: prince charming, ♥: saying goodbye, fandom: avengers, art: icons, rated: g, rated: nc-17, ♥: sorry seems to be the hardest word, fandom: alias, fandom: stagate atlantis, player: rinkafic

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