First of welcome to a whole bunch of new friends, Rebeca/
rbkh , Marley/
hitrunlove , Andreea/
flybutterfly24 , Andrea/
andreabba ,Sarah/
ladysarahii , and Ann/
craz4life ! Hope you enjoy my journal to some extent and don't get extremely annoyed by my spazzy/hyper-activity.
Okay so to any of you who know I'm just starting to get into L&O:SVU, I watched the episode "Wildlife" a few days ago. EPIC OMG EPIC SHIT! Man I loved it. All of it was amazing and it was a topic that I personally care about to, something to do with animals. And Liv thinking on her feet and ending up posing as a hooker? LMAO. And at Elliot's face, just such a priceless moment and I must icon the life out of that this weekend :D But yeah other than that single moment overall I liked it a lot. Undercover stuff is always fun. And the guys working the ring were totally creepers. O-O, seriously like disturbing looking and all. And death by coyote? EWWW. With the blood and uck. And Liv tackling down the undercover cop, like twice her size?! So cute :3 Ooh and SVU (re-run but well since I just started new for me) is on at six. So goodie!
I miss my shows. No more House. No more Castle. No more Dollhouse. No more 90210, no nothing?! What am I supposed to do on Mondays and Wednesdays?(Yes I know 90210 is on Tuesdays but that's when I have dance so...). Fridays are okay cause well...I do have people I can hang out with LOL. Though I'd rather ditch them and watch TV. JK. -sigh- Maybe I'll go watch Castle eps on XD I'm so sad aren't I?
I watched Benjamin Button yesterday. It was really good I liked the story it told it was really, idk sweet. A little on the predictable side, but I like the concept of like learning the idea of losing the people you care about. I thought it was sad about how the whole thing went down. I can't really put my thoughts in order so I'm just leaving that out there.
And since I haven't talked about the 90210 season finale. WOW WHAT A FREAKING BITCH! I hate you so much Jen, such a meanie. D:<, I love Liam and Naomi together. And he actually gives a crap about her how freaking lame that her own sister would screw her over like that! Seriously like not cool. And Navid and Adrianna, I don't really give a crap if they're getting married or not, as long as they stay together because they are the cutest thing ever. Seriously he knows he's like a total dork and he still tries to fight for her dignity. CUTENESS. And also good for Ty, as big of a jerk as he was, for realizing that he screwed up big time. Hm I kinda wanna icon this episode too...
On another personal note, I'm going to pick up my big sis from the airport tonight! She's coming home from Europe for the summer before she takes her final summer classes and graduates. So yay! I've not seen her since winter break and so I get to see her again.
I bought giant Pocky today. It's yummy. That wasn't random. -shifty glance-