so the night started out just as every other night does. me and mike sitting home online being bored. somehow an airhorn comes into the conversation and we decide it would be a fine idea to head to walmart and pick one up. so mike picks me up about 2:30 and we head out to walmart. we walk in looking pretty suspicious, wandering the sporting good section and guns and all. we rampaged walmart for a good half hour trying to find an airhorn. no luck. many employees offered assistance, however we rejected all.
so we walk over to the toys. i see a nerf gun.
"hey mike! lets just get a nerf gun and shoot everyone!"
(yes sadly i screamed this to all of walmart)
mike cracks up, im hysterical and somehow i end up with a darth vader mask and batman cape in hand.
so we get over by the shoes. i see bright pink ones and say to some random worker
"hey buddy! would you wear these shoes?"
as usual mike yells at me to shut up cause im going to get us kicked out.
so we wander around awhile longer and after riding a pony, and wearing a cat house on my head, we decide to take off. we get to the parking lot, and some guy parked behind us has a ton of shit hanging in his trunk, which i coulnt tell you why in the world is open at 3am. so i try to snag a pic. however the flash lights up the entire parkinglot and the camera dies and mike freaks out and takes off. so we yell quite a few unmentionable words at my camera.
we decide to head downtown. figuring its almost 4am why not see whats going on and stopping at walgreens along the way. nothing too interesting happened there except for mike smashing his face into his horn a few times and driving up the wrong side of a turn. so we get there and its completly dead. so we hit the pavement walking around downtown o-town to see what we can to do cause trouble. lots of homeless people peeing in parking garages and gang banging on the side of the road.
from then on
- i fought every animal i came into contact with
- was hit on by a construction worker who i pwnd off onto mike
- screamed out the window
- tried to steal a street sign
- tried to jump out of a moving car
- was locked in said car
- started a fight with a goose
- scary dudes on the side of the road
- leaving my poor step sister an interesting voicemail at 3am
- asking my mom to shave my coin purse through text message
- taking a turn at 4 miles an hour to piss some dude off
and for your viewing pleasure:
me trying to take a pic of the guys trunk and failing miserably
me humping a pony in walmart
for some reason i ended up with a catbox on my head... duno why
so all in all it was an interesting night to say the least.
♥ kin