Title: Four People that Tried to Teach the Captain to Dance, and One that Did
Warning: pg-13
Pairing/Characters: Coulson/Steve, Bruce/Tony, Loki, Thor, Natasha, Clint
norsekink prompt: Steve still can't dance and some of the Avengers offer to teach him. The thing is, though, he doesn't like any of the modern dances and he is too afraid of Thor's footwork to even try learning from him.
Eventually Coulson hears about it and offers to teach Steve swing dancing.
Can be slash or just gen, up to anons.
This all started
because Clint had decided to hog the TV and watch, You Think You Can
Thor was excited to learn about the new costumes of Midgard. Steve was just confused as to why there were so many steps, so many dance forms, and that is
only reserved for the bedroom!!
Tony saw the commotion and decided to join the arguments about best dance styles. He was all for the passion dances, because he was Tony and anything that reminded him of sex was a go.
Clint on the other hand was into break dancing.
Thor and his view of dancing was ignored because he was from Asgard and therefore was automatically disqualified.
"Bruce, tell him how tango is a lot better than his hip hop." Tony turned to Bruce for support.
"Do not get me involve in this Tony." Bruce muttered causing Tony to pout.
"Natasha here agrees with me on the break dancing right?" Clint turned to Natasha.
Natasha didn't even look up from her magazine.
"Fine, Steve, which do you prefer?"
They had turned to Steve. Steve, who had never danced, had no clue about dancing, had no idea what type of dances the other two were talking about at all!
He looked nervously between everyone in the living room, face becoming bright red, before muttering under his breath.
"I don't know how to dance." Steve said a bit louder causing everyone to stare at him, even Natasha.
"Really?" Tony inquired with a smirk.
Steve nodded weakly.
"That is it! I will teach you!" Tony stood up straight, determinedly.
"There is nothing I cannot do!" he cackled before rushing out of the living room.
Everyone watched him run away, before turning to look at Bruce.
"What? I am dating him, doesn't mean I understand everything that goes in his head. I actually try not to." Bruce muttered, before going back to his science magazine.
"Well, you don't have to let Tony teach you. I can teach you!" Clint grinned.
"I could also teach you!" Thor boomed.
Steve just sunk down into his seat. Not looking forward to the next couple of days.
1. Tony, Tango
Bruce was playing on the nintendo DS, a gift from Tony. He wasn't sure why Tony wanted him there to see him teach Steve.
It was probably for proof that he managed it and because Tony just wanted to be watched and awed over.
Something that Bruce rarely indulged Tony in. Bruce had actually just accepted for Steve's safety.
Tony was teaching Steve the basic steps.
"Alright, this is tango. It is about passion." Tony stated causing Bruce to roll his eyes.
Steve was looking so scared and fearful, Bruce felt so bad for him.
"Walk forward, forward, side, back, put your foot backward then turn and end with two feet together."
"Why are you picking you legs up?"
"I said left leg! Left!"
"You have to keep your back straight."
"Don't look down."
"I said right!"
"That is not your right!"
"That is not walking!"
By the end of the day, Steve was worst off than he had been in the morning. He was completely confused and his self-esteem was crushed.
He was calling it quits to the dancing. There was no way he could do this.
Tony was angry an horrified that he had not been able to taught Steve the basic tango steps. How hard could they be?
They were not that hard at all!!
"Look, tomorrow we will-"
Steve was out of the room before Tony finished his sentence.
Bruce just shook his head.
2. Bruce, Waltz
Bruce felt like he had to apologize for Tony's horrible behavior.
Dancing didn't have to be a nightmare, like Tony made it seem. That is why
Bruce felt like he should try to teach Steve to waltz.
It was an easier step than the tango, and just the basic would be a start.
After searching all over the place, and after asking Tony to use the cameras to find him, and ignoring Tony's remarks about why he had to teach Steve to dance the waltz and demanding to be there to make sure that the two of them weren't
too close to each other….
Bruce quickly shot that idea down by threatening Tony with no sex. Tony wasn't happy but he agreed to not go and ruin the, hopefully, dance session.
It was moments like those that Bruce wondered just why he was with the eccentric philanthropist.
"Steve?" Bruce poked his head into the pool area.
Steve bolted up into attention, eyes wide.
"Hey, I wanted to apologize for Tony, he is who he is." Bruce started, shifting awkwardly from foor to foot.
"Yeah, Tony is Tony." Steve agreed with a shrug.
Bruce smiled nervously and began to fidget.
"Was wondering if you would like for me to teach you waltz?" Bruce muttered a bit hurriedly, cheeks heating up.
Bruce berated himself for being so socially awkward.
"I don't think I'll-"
"Hey, don't you dare shoot my boyfriend down! You don't know how much courage it took for my Brucie to ask you that!"
Bruce groaned not only for what Tony said, but for the fact that Tony was right outside the pool area keeping an eye on them.
He should have known and made their terms more specific.
Steve tensed up and was about to reply back before he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Thank you Bruce, I will be delighted to try learning to waltz." Steve muttered and Bruce could see how tired the other was.
Bruce nodded and guided Steve's hands to their proper places.
"First, you must learn to follow, then you can lead." Bruce explained, taking a step forwards causing Steve to take a step back.
"Waltz has 3 beats. 1. 2. 3. A step forward for me, is a step backwards for you." Bruce explained slowly leading Steve into the steps.
Except, they forgot they were in the pool area.
A few minutes into the lesson, the two of them fell into the pool.
3. Clint, hip hop
Steve found himself ushered into the gymnasium. Music was blaring through the room.
Steve paled as he watched Clint show the dance he was going to teach Steve.
He barely got waltzing down, and tango was a lot easier than this break dancing or hip hop or whatever it was supposed to be.
Clint however would not take no for an answer.
Natasha was standing by the entrance, splitting her focus from the book in her hands to the training going on.
Steve was protesting the whole way through.
He couldn't do the dougie. Which was freaking hard, he could hardly do single steps or walk like Tony made fun of him for, how was he expected to move his knees in such a way?
The jumping and falling to the ground later he could kind of, but he couldn't find himself being able to move to any other dance move after that.
Steve couldn't understand just why they were listening to such crude song. He couldn't stop flushing at the song blasting through Clint's sound system.
By the end of the day, Steve had learned a number of inappropriate words but his dancing had not improved.
By the end of the day, Clint was tired as hell but proud that he had taught Steve something.
By the end of the day, Natasha was winning the bet about Steve's dancing lessons.
4. Loki and Thor
Steve woke up a week later, filling like maybe the whole dance fiasco was forgotten.
Except, a few minutes later after he had fully woken up, he realized that he wasn't in his room.
Where the hell was he now?!
He bolted up and realized he was in a living room.
"You are finally awake!"
Steve whirled around ,"Loki!"
"That's me!" Loki grinned, waggling his fingers in a hello gesture.
"Steve, you have finally woken!"
Steve turned to see Thor coming in from the other side of the room.
He was completely confused as to what was going.
"My brother decided that he would try his hand at teaching you how to dance! I brought you here because this I have to watch." Loki smirked.
"Yes! I shall teach you the finest steps from Asgard!" Thor stated proudly.
"Actually, you know, I think I am rethinking this idea of dancing."
Steve laughed nervously, because this was Thor. He was not the most graceful person. He was sure that he would end up very bruise.
Of course, before there was an actual dancing was started, Steve was saved by Coulson, who was calling them to assemble.
Steve have never loved that man more than right at that moment.
Of course, Steve would never voice that aloud.
Meanwhile, Natasha was still winning the bet about Steve's dancing lessons.
Final. Coulson, waltz
Coulson walked passed Steve's room before stopping and looking back inside.
"Steve?" Coulson asked, curious as to what Steve was doing.
"Coulson!" Steve flushed bright red.
"What are you doing?" Coulson inquired.
"Just practicing some dance moves that the others taught me." Steve muttered.
"Oh yes, Natasha told me about that." Coulson stated, leaning against the doorway.
"Yeah, it didn't go very well." Steve rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Here, I'll teach you swing. It is a nice dance style." Coulson stated, walking fully into the room.
Steve was hesitant to try it out, but it was Coulson.
He did have the tiniest of crush on the agent. Just a tiny bit, besides, perhaps this way he got to learn more of the other.
Coulson was patient with him. He didn't raise his voice and showed him the steps over and over again.
He didn't go to fast at all and each step was clearly done for Steve to copy.
A week into the dancing lessons Steve have the basic steps down and could dance then to music.
A week later, Coulson had taught him spins, had taught him how to embellish his twirls and steps.
A week after that, Steve was beginning to lead in the dance.
By the end of the month, Steve could keep up with the basic steps of swing. He wasn't as good as Coulson by any means, but he could now dance something well enough.
That wasn't what had him happy though.
His happiness was brought about the fact that he was in a relationship with Agent Phil Coulson.
Steve smiled softly as he looked down at Phil, who was using his chest as a pillow.
He just had to find the right person to dance with, that was all.
Coulson was that person.
And Natasha ended up winning the bet about Coulson ending up teaching the Captain to dance.