Title: On the choosing of oranges
Pairings/Characters: JapanEngland
Rating: PG for slight, very slight suggestions.
Warnings: Self-indulgence on my part, mixture of human and country names.
Summary: Very late Valentine's day + lunar new year fic. Japan teaches England how to choose the best oranges.
Meanwhile, SMAP blares on in the background. )
Comments 6
The vid was just ♥♥♥ I totally love that song~ Thanks for sharing!
There's another version of the song, same Vocaloid video but either a fandub or set at a higher pitch.
And your fic was so cuuuute ;~; Uwaaaah oranges and kotastu~ just like in Kiku's song I love them xD! I approve of Kiku feeding Arthur btw ♥
He'll feed Arthur extra-sticky mochi next and be very amused watching him try to chew his way through it. :D
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All the "su"s made me instantly think of Finland going "Su-san! Su-san!". Meanwhile Sweden himself is very puzzled at his sudden popularity. XD
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