May 15, 2005 20:37
hey guys..
im sposed to be doin my dramaturgical analysis essay and its due tomorrow, but its hard and i cant do it.. its GAYYY! mehhhhh... im really confused about ben eh..? :S he's so confuzing.. hrmmm... oh well, he's goin to jakes or sarahs after the ball, so i guess i can exclude him from my hunt for a decent relationship.. yes, thats right, im on the prowl for the right guy to have a good time with, and have a good relationship.. in every aspect.. not that theres that many decent guys left on the coast, i mean look wat happened to carl.. *tut tut* i never saw that one coming.. u think u know someone.. i still loved him up until very recently.. which may shock some of you.. but its hard to stop loving someone when they meant the world to you once.. the day i think my heart mended was the day kirsten told me carl said he wished id slit my wrist deeper.. i think it shocked me into not feeling anything for him anymore.. broken hearts hurt.. more than any physical pain.. but ohhh welll... not much can be done to help that.. and omg, the other day cinta txt me, all upset about andrew, sayn how her life was ova cos he didnt love her back, then 3 hrs later she txt me sayn shes ova andrew and in love with carl? then she said it was funny cos she was becoming closer to all the guys and how it was almost like theyd replaced me with her, and she thought it was funny... me, on the other hand, broke down, and called kory in tears, cos i didnt wanna lose them all.. so i told kory i would always love him, and ive been so stupid and blind, and it took wat cinta said for me to realise just how much i love my boys.. all of them.. well, im still deciding on carl, but u all know how easily i forgive people, so i dont reckon thats gunna last too long..
do u guys like big brother? well, i reckon dean and logan (david and greg) are hell hot, and the other night i was watching BB uplate, and omg, lol, i saw deans penis.. i was like, hrmmm, lol, wow.. glad im missing out on sleep for this.. and then they all started making out, and i thought it was best, cos they were all so drunk, and biting each other and falling over and stuff.. tee hee.. and they were trying to match make everyone.. and *pout* im missing out on it now, cos of this stupid drama.. fucking hell... gayyyyy! im cranky bout that..i have to re-do it cos i only got a c- for the last one, so im pissed off.. ill prob only get the same mark for this one anyways... fuck it, i just wont re-submit, and we'll do really well for our movement piece, and hopefully bring up our mark.. so yea, i gots a a- for the last thingy i did, so fuck it.. stupid piece of shit..
ok, well, im gunna go and watch BB, or wats left of it anyways.. 45 mins.. its a 2hr special..
oh yea, i went out tonight.. to the waterfront, cos my aunty is leaving tomorrow, and we wanted to say bubye. my dad is in cairns and guess wat?! the weirdest thing ever happened last night! my dad bumped into mhairis parents! lol, soooooooo weird! just at this club, lol. mhairi called me and goes "guess wat?!" and im like, "omg, ur coming here?!" and shes like "not quite.. my parents just called and said they ran into ur dad!" and we were both all syching out, cos that is sooooo weird! and it was fully crazy.. but funny.. hehehehehehe! and my dad has this package thingy from me to give to mhairi and he's gunna drop it at the hotel.. lol! woo! anyways, BB is on, so im gunna go!
OMG, THE MY BALL IS IN 5 DAYS! 5 SUN! WOOOOOOOO!!!!! IM SOOOOOO XCITED!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! (how many extras was that mhairi? lol) (personal joke) OK, I LOVE YOU ALL!
em xxx