time for an update :)

Apr 09, 2008 19:27

The weather has been absolutely GORGEOUS lately so i have been taking full advantage of it!
yesterday Ash and i did the Kenilworth stairs, walked along the rail train and then found a random set of stairs so we took it
we walked around the mountain for a little while after that :) the only downside is i got a mega sun burn!

Today after work i decided I'm getting a little on the chubby side and i haven't worked out since i was in school. So i went for a run
man! am i ever out of shape! but i tried and as long as i keep trying to get more active this will become easier.

So my relationship status is still single. I'm happy most of the time...but i really miss the simple things about a relationship. Like having someone put their arm around my waist for no reason other then to just touch me.
There is a guy that i think i like and i know he likes me back. His name is Brett.He is a day younger then me.( his birthday is October 9th 1988) He is in second year at Mac majoring in History with a minor in English. He has a job, drives  and seems to be really nice and respectable.  The only thing that is holding me back from pursuing a relationship with him is the fact that i still don't know what i am doing with myself in September.... I just don't want to fall for someone and then leave them and have what happened last time happen again.

Let me know what you think
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