Sep 27, 2011 02:07
I am learning
I am young
I am these things
I'm still learning
I'm still young
I'm still these things
I'm not learning
I'm not young
I'm not those things
I am from dust
From whence I came
I will arrive
When my time is done
Even as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I will die someday
Say goodbye someday
I can almost see his eyes
What else is left to fear?
Could I kill?
Would I avenge?
Is that justice?
Am I my father's man?
Or am I principled?
Would I pull the trigger?
Would I
Would I
Pull it?
Would I pull the trigger?
Would I
Would I
Pull it?
Is there any reason for it?
What would you have me do?
I would for you
I would for you
The only flower that is, was, or ever will be
So I better
If it's what you will