Aug 19, 2006 10:29
I finally got my schedule & it is as follows:
1 Orchestra 4 (Garv)
2 Gov AP (Green)/Pre Cal sem 2 (Rackowitz again lol)
3 Military History (Wetmore)/Peer Tutoring
4 English 4 GT/AP (Hart)
5 Choir 3 Women's Chorale (Wright)
6 Math Models (Wager)
7 Economics (Rice)/PE II (Goode)
8 Biology sem 1 (Young)/Child Developement (Gust)
School has been alright so far. Garv is still kind of a bitch to me. Mr. Green still has some rank ass breath. Wetmore's class doesn't seem all that fun anymore surprisingly. I think it's really funny when you're a sophomore because you've never had a teacher like that before, but the second time around it isn't that great or amusing. Mr. Hart is a tiny bit like Mr. Draves, but not nearly as witty or social. He mostly talks to himself for like an hour about something none of us can relate to, and after we're asleep he laughs really hard to himself and we all come out of our stupor and laugh along with him. Not to pretend we were listening, just because it was so fucking startling and weird. He has his own strange little quirks, but I really miss D-RAVES. Choir is great, it's my new fav thing. I stopped smoking cigarettes for Choir & I got voice lessons. Hooray! I'm a soprano II, & very happy with where I sit and stuff. I have a really fucking cool teacher for Math Models: He lets us do logic puzzles & sudoku all day, he lets us eat & drink in his class, he lets us listen to music, leave the room whenever we want since we out in a portable, and said he would pass us if we just showed up every day. I'm really pleased because I didn't want a serious math class my senior year. Bob is in my Economics class, & now I have 2nd lunch both days, yay! Rudy has Economics at the same time as me but he's in AP. I was really pissed about having to retake Biology semester 1, but when I walked in I realized that Molly would be my lab partner & sitting next to me for the whole semester so now I'm really happy! :D I'm pretty content with school. It doesn't seem like such a pain in the ass this time around, other than the ID tags. I haven't even skipped once!! Even Clara is back in school (which is very surprising). So yeah, this year will be good. I'm trying out for region for choir, and hopefully auditioning for all-state for orchestra. I hope I make both.
I need to see anybody that hasn't left yet for college at least one last time before you leave. Okay, so I'm talking directly to Vincent. But that's okay because I love him! :)