Jun 17, 2005 10:31
11 days till Gavin
I'm having an awesome summer so far, i've already done so much i can't wait for the rest. I’M GOING TO SEE GAVIN! if you already haven't figured it out. Meg called and asked if i wanted to join and of course i did cause it's meg and Gavin can't go wrong there!
So far i've gone to Six Flags with Caity Cori Kate Steven Kyle and Phill<33 good times good times especially when 12 year old sluts that are wearing white and are soaking wet cutyou in the nitro line, idk if they knew who the were dealing with...ho faity and fori.I basically lived at the Ferdinando residence for a week. haha i really just love them.<33 i'm going over there today too so we can celebrate Kate Piscadlo's turning sixteen! hooray.
Softballs going well we took second in the Penn. tournament that was really exciting. We totally could have taken first if we only had to play to games like the other team butnope we had to play 4 but we still toally doinated. yehhh adrenaline..
On another note. i still have the worst feeling ever i was talking to caity and cori and they totally made me realize that i'm not over anything. They know it's better to tell me the truth than to lie which is amazing of them. But yes i am in fact confused as hell about my life and boys i just don't understand them and i think that i should just not deal with them unless they want to deal with me....whew so i am starting over summer will be different...i swear.
last off i am totally pumped for summer i'm just really excited that i am doing so many things and have friends to do them with. I have to babysit one day a week a tuesday which i wouldn't do anything on anyway because of softball practices. If i had my license it'd be even better but i can wait. Ughh summers here and it consists of softball, the beach, dorney and six flags, and vaca. sweeeeet<33