Dec 17, 2004 07:55
I haven't talked to dan in like 3 days and so much is happening! My mom is being super cool and she just got done yelling at us for like 20 minutes. Mama Cram drove by this morning and i just wanted to jump out of the car and jump in the van. Last night eric came over to help with our project and he barely did anything. Then after my mom got done yelling at us i got out of the car and i was crying and she saw that and i had to get the posters out of the car and when i did she said "Sarah wait i love you" and i said "NO!" and i slammed the car door and walked into school. Kaisa didn't wake me up on time this morning and i am not mad at her everyone makes mistakes. But when my mom started banging on the bathroom door i got really mad. Why does she do this? Wednesday Thomas saw me really upset. Because of guess who? yep mom strikes again this time she got my dad into it. that was awful he didn't talk to me at all. and i have no idea what i did. then when we left this morning he said there was going to be a "family meeting" i am not looking forward to that at all. cause i am sure whatever is going wrong in the house is all my fault. So needless to say i just want to go home crawl in bed. and in 3 periods i have to do a presentation about finland with a project i did by myself. And i just found out Kaisa forgot the music for that prject. YES! my day is going to rock! i miss dan. i don't even know what hours he works today! Then this week i thought alexis was mad at me and she thought i was mad at her! oh boy! okay i am optomistic...bright side...i am going to the snowball dance tomorrow...i don't have the right type of semi-formal...but i am still going...kaisa and i got into a flour fight last night that was fun...i saw eric eat a whole spoon full of flour and then breathe out and all that flour came out like his insides were antiques that was really funny...and best of all i will get to see dan at least on sunday! GREEN BOXCUTTER! but i gotta go. if i have time in study hall i will write you all! ~sarah~