Awww no it's not your fault! It's mine. I also did a disappearing act. I still came on LJ but I kept marking everything private blech. I am pretty good, going to uni soon! Since you prob have no idea who I am it's Inu-Kaiba lol >>
LOL I looked! I saw your info and where you were from and you were the only person I knew from there so I just guessed lol. I guessed right though! You're already going to uni???? Ah I'm getting old.
Things here are alright. I've been working a lot but it's fun work so I can't complain. How have you been? Is everything going well?
Oh yay I'm glad. I commented and I was like... I hope I didn't freak her out by just randomly commenting without even a name XDD That or I thought you would be like WHO IS THIS -delete-
My mind creates some strange scenarios. XD
Yeah I am, in September. I just have to accept my offer. Just not sure about my other choice yet. I haven't heard back yet and I haven't really picked between the two yet. You're not old! Not until your hair is gray XD
ooooh what kind of work? I think you worked at a restaurant one time when we talked? But I could be wrong because I have a bad memory. Life is good actually, much better than it was for the most part :P I hope you are good too? ♥
At first I didn't know who it was, but when I looked I was pretty sure lol. That's really cool though that you're going to university. Do you know what your major will be? I still work on the weekends at a restaurant but my job is art. Right now I'm working on a painting for someone and I'm writing. I don't get much time to stop lol. It's good though because I enjoy it. I haven't been paid Hopefully that comes soon
Yeah, I applied to two universities for english, and one of them I also applied for women's studies. I'll probably accept the english since that's my passion but I'm still not sure yet. I've been accepted for one english and the women's studies, the other english is still up in the air. I might be able to change my major once I pick one, too. Not sure yet.
Ooohhhhhhh paintings! Do you have pictures?? I'd love to see them! I love seeing people's art in comparison to mine, I'm TERRIBLE at art which makes me appreciate it when people can do it. You will totes earn your pay; I bet you're amazing at art!
Lol totes. That word makes me laugh every time I see it. I have some of my artwork posted up in my journal...though I think it's friends locked. I'll have to add you for it. That's really cool. English is such a great major because so many people don't use it right or appreciate it for what it really is. Womens studies is too but sometimes the 'femanist' girls don't know what femanism is and it gets a little annoying. I know some girls that think they are femanists and that just means not shaving or's really odd lol.
I love the word totes! It just seems so.. positive and amusing. idk why.
I have added you and seen your arts and I approve <3
I think English is probably the greatest skill ever. So many people just can't do it and I'm just like why it's not hard! I feel like that a lot haha. Idk maybe it's just the people I know aren't English people? Who knows... Oh lordddddd not shaving doesn't equal feminism. I know people think that not shaving is standing up to men because "MEN MADE TEH WOMANS SHAVE" but um yeah. Your choice whether or not you want to shave, no one made you. You can stand up to culture and all but I think hair on your legs is really gross and unpleasant in guys AND girls. End of story. Feminism is equal opportunity for guys and girls and leg hair is nasty on men too. Now I am ranting lol :P I will shush.
Lol I completely understand. Honestly I'm for both sexes. It's not about if you are a man or a woman. I'm very androgynous so I can understand from both sides. I'm big on psychology too, though so that kind of helps lol. Something people fail to realize is that sexism works both ways, just like any other unreasonable dislike. It's all pretty ridiculous to me. I can't imagine just disliking someone because of gender, race, or anything like that.
HOW ARE YOU? Hope you're doing alright :)
Things here are alright. I've been working a lot but it's fun work so I can't complain. How have you been? Is everything going well?
My mind creates some strange scenarios. XD
Yeah I am, in September. I just have to accept my offer. Just not sure about my other choice yet. I haven't heard back yet and I haven't really picked between the two yet. You're not old! Not until your hair is gray XD
ooooh what kind of work? I think you worked at a restaurant one time when we talked? But I could be wrong because I have a bad memory. Life is good actually, much better than it was for the most part :P I hope you are good too? ♥
I still work on the weekends at a restaurant but my job is art. Right now I'm working on a painting for someone and I'm writing. I don't get much time to stop lol. It's good though because I enjoy it. I haven't been paid Hopefully that comes soon
Ooohhhhhhh paintings! Do you have pictures?? I'd love to see them! I love seeing people's art in comparison to mine, I'm TERRIBLE at art which makes me appreciate it when people can do it. You will totes earn your pay; I bet you're amazing at art!
That's really cool. English is such a great major because so many people don't use it right or appreciate it for what it really is. Womens studies is too but sometimes the 'femanist' girls don't know what femanism is and it gets a little annoying. I know some girls that think they are femanists and that just means not shaving or's really odd lol.
I have added you and seen your arts and I approve <3
I think English is probably the greatest skill ever. So many people just can't do it and I'm just like why it's not hard! I feel like that a lot haha. Idk maybe it's just the people I know aren't English people? Who knows... Oh lordddddd not shaving doesn't equal feminism. I know people think that not shaving is standing up to men because "MEN MADE TEH WOMANS SHAVE" but um yeah. Your choice whether or not you want to shave, no one made you. You can stand up to culture and all but I think hair on your legs is really gross and unpleasant in guys AND girls. End of story. Feminism is equal opportunity for guys and girls and leg hair is nasty on men too. Now I am ranting lol :P I will shush.
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