Dec 29, 2004 08:53
Yay my mum is at work as is my dad and my sister i love x-mass vaca. i have a reallly bad sore throat and my tmj(my jaw locks and pops out causeing sooo much pain) is acting up so im strictly liquids 2day. 8-) having green tea now with 3 teaspoons of sugar cuz my sis was here when i was making it and i dont have enough tea bags left to to dump it and make a new one.8-( o well the suga is 45 cals how many is the tea? hmm its still beta then the slim fast bar my sis told me to eat. I'm gana talk online with some friends and watch the starting over house cuz i love that show . then im gana do the tredmill till like 12:30 then take a shower and go out with my friend. i seem to do the tredmill longer now that i have my ipod cuz i dont have to blare the radio to hear it . i wish i didnt have a nerouligst appointment 2moro mayb they wont weight me. its such a long ride with my mom to Faulkner hospital. i told my mom last night my jaw was really hurting and she said i may have to get it looked at by the dentist again. they said i might need surgery and will only b able to have liquids for like 3 weeks that would be soooo great . i hope to lose more weight b4 april when i have prom . wow im jsut rambling so im gana go