LJ Interests meme results
- costumes:
Duh. - jewelry:
I am addicted to antique jewelry. I have several platinum pieces from ~1880-1920 that I love to wear. If I had school to do over again I'd probably try gemology, and I am fascinated with jemstones in all their infinite variety. Shiny, sparkley, pretty things! - movies:
I love towatch movies and I love to go to the theater - movie popcorn is wonderful! I love musicals, classics, westerns, war films, you name it. If it's GOOD, I like it. Of course, a really BAD movie can also be fun - all those Universal monster movies... a grand time! - music:
My first love. I have music in my head 24 hours a day, like a radio. I just fond out there's an actual term for that, but I can't remember what it is. - opera:
The most theatrical & dramatic form of music and my eternal heartbreak. It is God's little joke on me that my voice type just isn't made for Verismo music. - rock & roll:
Ah... what fun is this! I found out that a good rock song has all the elements of a good opera tune. Just like movies, if it's GOOD I like it... - sewing:
Funny that this is on my interest list. I love the creating and wearing of a costume but I hate sewing. It is a necessary evil required to get the dresses I want. - vintage dance:
I've been doing English country dancing for 25 years and absolutely love it! It is the biggest reason I do the faire. More recently I've been learning some 16c courtly dance and I am also enjoying that immensly. - :
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