You have been a very extravagant and naughty costumer-dabbling here, dabbling there, and the sewing g*ds are displeased with your flightiness. And so you are condemned to the Land of One.
1. You are limited to sewing costumes from ONE era (I was going to say one decade, but that's too soul crushing). NOTE: If you prefer fantasy or science fiction work, you must limit yourself to ONE movie or book series. Pick! Gotta stick with Elizabethan - it's still my first love
2. You must choose ONE color to work in for the rest of your life (NOT BLACK. NOT WHITE.) It is... RED! At least I can technicall get pink as a shade.
3. You must choose ONE type of fabric to sew on forever, it is... (and no, "silk" isn't good enough. Nor is "cotton." "Cotton voile," or "silk satin," however, are both suitable answers.) Easy. Silk Twill.
4. Why did you choose that ONE fabric you just chose? It's weightier than taffetta, creases like buttah, drapes beautifully, has a subtle but beautiful texture without slubs, and has a sheen like candlelight. I wan't to touch nothing else! I want sheets in this stuff just so I can roll around naked in it!
5. You can have only ONE costume whore DVD to watch forever. What is it? Hmmm, tough one. The Elizabeth R, miniseries. No, Dangerous Liasons - I never liked the casting but the costumes can't be beat!
6. You can keep only ONE of the costumes you have made. What is it and WHY? The Red Venetian. It's a magic dress and wonderful things happen when I wear it.
7. You get only ONE website for research, or for diversion. You choose... Hmmmm, another toughie since there is so much good research online now. I'd have to go with MedCos since I could pick the minds of so many costumers on so many eras.
8. You can keep only ONE of your reference books (painful, I know). Which is it and WHY? I must anger the costume gods further by saying this is not possible. I could also go with the Kyoto book with all the joys it holds, but then I have to give up Janet Arnold for the era I've chosen to be stuck in. That's not such a good deal... harumph
9. You may keep your machines, your scissors, your chalk, thread and pins, but you may have only ONE other sewing tool. It is... Gah. hmmm, a chopstick. I'd like my awl but I could use a chopstick in concert with my little scissors to do what my awl does, and I use mt chopstick for turning, pressing in sharp corners, stuffing bum rolls or shoulder rolls, arranging pleats. It really is an indespensable tool.
10. The sewing g*ds are feeling a little guilty about their draconian measures, so you can have ONE costume from a movie, or stolen from someone's (anyone you choose!) closet for inspiration. You take... I'd have to chose one not in my single era, just so I can have something different. I've always wanted a Rococo dress of some kind but I really love the men's suits that Bjarne Drews recreates. I'd happily take something like
this for my outfit, but if it must be one for my own sex, maybe
this one instead. Or any one of several that Glen Close wears in DL.