I am so happy that a new episode of Weeds is on tonight. If you haven't caught this show yet & have Showtime, it is totally worth the watch. (Ken & I got Showtime for the next couple of months just for the show!) It's intellectually funny on so many levels! Plus, it always makes my Mondays just a little bit better.
I love Ken. I love Ken's brother. I love Ken's folks, but I don't have to like them.
1. I can handle being called Bridezilla if I'm acting like one. But finding out that Ken's dad has been calling me one for the past two weeks, including calling me that to family and friends, after I have done nothing but accommodate both of them for the past eight months, really pisses me off. Because I don't do the things that he & his wife want me to do or that his son chooses to say "NO." to them, doesn't make me a bridezilla. I have been anything but a bridezilla. In fact, the next time I see him, I told Ken I can show him what a real bridezilla is. I also informed Ken & his mom that I will not have anyone calling me names and his dad can just F off because I'm not dealing with childish behavior coming from two adults.
2. I can handle his mom being miserable, but I can't handle her making the rest of our lives miserable. For someone who is was verbally abused by her own MIL, you would think that she'd want to be nicer to me. Nope. She yelled at Ken for about a half hour on Friday while my wonderful man basically defended me and our relationship the entire time. I figured everything was fine. As I've told her before, if you have problems with me, then you need to call me. So I went over on Saturday morning:
- She's not happy that I didn't go dress shopping with her; I didn't because I couldn't go with my mom who is in the nursing home at the time, so I chose to go with my bridesmaids & I cried the entire time because I missed my mom. I explained this to her and I did apologize if that upset her feelings. I informed her that I went to a bridal show with her (that I didn't want to go to) because I knew she really wanted to & that she should be satisfied that I did something with her.
- She believes that I use the excuse of "My Mom Just Died" for my reasoning in life. I told her that I do not use it as an excuse and that if she thinks that, she is demented. She immediately apologized and said it was taken out of context. I told her that I didn't care. I told her that I can have 1 year to mourn my mother and if she can't understand the grief and growing that I'm going through, then there is something wrong with her.
- She's not happy that Ken & I are choosing our church music & reception music on our own. She's not happy about ten bazillion other things about our wedding.
- I finally asked her, "Whose wedding is this?" and "Whose decision is it ultimately?" Then I think she got it. I told her, quite politely to just "Shut up and wear beige" at this point, because I can't handle much more.
- For the most part, she agreed she was being stupid about things and that she was sorry for letting things get this far & again supposedly promised to call me in the future if there were problems. :/ Whatever.
- We then proceeded to talk about her weight (she's easily over 400). She brought it up. As Ken & I have both told her before, either she does something soon, or we don't envision her living another 10 years. (She's ugely obese plus lots of medical problems.)
- I told her that no matter what, I do love her and will always love her. But I don't have to like her right now and she doesn't have to like me either; I'm fine with that.
Two hours later, I left with her feeling happier & I left feeling emotionally drained. I informed her and Ken that I refuse to be the first to offer the peace offering in the future, especially when I have no clue what is going on.
The really sad thing is, if my Mom was here, I know that she would have gone over and smacked some sense into Ken's mom. They were friends, you see, and my mom would have never put up with this shit.
I love Ken. He loves me. We're getting married, people. The rest of our lives. Forever. That's it. Period.