Jun 08, 2004 18:59

absolutely nuttin happenin 2day. oh wait......
i have a book from kitty mi parents CAN'T i repeat CAN'T EVER SEE!!!!! so..i hid it in a bush down the street. kitty doesn't kno it lol. oh well...she has 2 come over & get it & hide it in her bag or sumthing. and when i wuz throwin it in there, a car drove by & i turned around & the lady wuz slowin down like she wuz tryin 2 see wut i wuz doin or tryin 2 get a good look @ me! the book isn't like against the law to buy & obviously she was old enuf 2 by it cuz she bought it herself!! ok anyway...
other den dat, NOTHING!! how sad. mi life iz so boring. ohh, thursday's mi last day ta be on da computer, i won't be on for like almost 2 weekz. so i jus have i think like an hour on thurzday, if that.
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