Oct 25, 2004 20:12
Wow, This weekend was pretty fun. I stayed after in ML on friday with Kaylee and we went to taco bell and a thrift store in Cheney. I got this sweater, its so kickass. Its like this lemon yellow crocheted thing, wow it's so cool. Then we went back to her house, got her stuff and rode the bus back to base. We were at ym house for like 15 minutes and went tot he FS, No one was there so we went to Casey's. It was her, Jeremy, Cody, Jaime, Nash, Tyler and Brian. We hung out like all night there and lit ourselves on fire, just stupid shit like that. Wow, Casey is so jacked up. There was a big ass puddle and she went and jumped in it and was standing in it (it was up to her ankles) and we were joking around and told her to sit in it. And she fucking did! She sat in the damn puddle and like rolled around. It was so great! AND THEN She said she had to pee, So she stood up and just pissed herself. Right there in her jeans, Wow, It was funny. Her dad came home and scared the shit out of me. Because Nick, Jon and Brian were there (and TYler is grounded) and they like had to run out. And her dad was like "What the hell is going on?!" Eventually me and Kaylee grabbed her bikes and rode them home at 10:30. She spent the night and the next morning we like got up at 10 and my mom took us to her house.
We left at noon and drove to Pullman. We went to our hotel and hung out and went swimming and to mcdonalds and shit. At like 7 we left and went ot the college auditorium thingy and waited for the doors to open. We saw The Used, Atreyu, The Bled, and Head Automatica. It was awesome. Berts fucking hot, so is Quin. Somebody was like "Take off your pants" and Bert was like "Take off Your fucking pants" It was great. We left there at 11:30 and went back to the hotel and went swimming till like one. Then we went tot bed, Woke up at 10, and Left for Spokane in our pajamas, lol. My mom picked me up from Kaylees and I came home and did nothing the rest of the day. Thats my weekend!