"And I'm gonna wear a pink tux to the prom"....

Oct 09, 2004 17:10

Well, Last night Kaylee spent the night and we went to the football game. It was kinda fun, kinda not....But Casey called me at like 11 and she had just gotten home. THATS RIGHT...IN WA! So, this morning we woke up and got dressed and Kaylee went home at 12. Casey called and wanted t do something, and me and my bro were the only ones home and her bro wanted my bro to come over too. So we got dressed and walked to meet Tyler, Casey, and Brian.We went to Burger King and then to the FS. Tyler did an Acid Drop off the edge and cracked like 3 layers of Casey's like brand new board. So they got in a fight..and Tyler said some stupid shit like "Did you stare at it in disbelief?" And I was like who fucking says that. So we nicknamed him Webster (dictionary). Then we ahdto give all of their friends nicknames so here they are.....Brian-LoREN, Chris- Dick (dictionary), Stephen (my bro)-Ralph, Jesse-Casper, Drew-The Cheese Factory, and Martin-Godzilla. They're great!lol. And mine is Pepe, and Casey's is Epep. It's tight. But Casey had to go home early cuz she's on restriction (GAY). And my brother is still there. We might do somethign later though, But I'm gonna go. Laters
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