Jul 14, 2005 23:59
hey everyone im bac from new jersey. i had a great time. i feel alittle bit better now that i got away from the normal bullshit life in florida. but anyways im not looking to have any relationxhip anytime soon because sorry no affense guys but at this age you all dont know what you want all you can think of is a good looking girl for a peace of ass. im not saying all of you are like this but most are and im not willing to take the chance. i might as well just wait till im older and skip the heartbreak. comment on this if you have a different opinion but dont think you are gunna change my mind because it is pretty much set. sorry to those whome i guess really liked me and wanted a relationship with me if there is anyone who does. anyways im smoking again. stress kills! im not worried about it. i could care less at this point. on a lighter note i found a 4 week old kitten in new jersey and saved it. it was wild and sick and i brought it home with me and i am nursing him back to health. its is so0o cute. we all kno i am a sucker for animals especially cats lol. well im gunna end this here and ill update later.