Dec 02, 2011 22:01

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hey there! humanparagon December 4 2011, 08:32:37 UTC
Shepard wasn't one for kissing strangers, either - not outside of the hotel, at any rate. She preferred to save intimacy like that for people she knew and trusted. But this - the compulsion was too much to resist, and by the time the kiss ended she was breathing hard, hands resting on the slim curve of Amelia's hips.

She couldn't quite help but smile a little at the stammering apology - it reminded her a little of Liara, not long after they'd first met. "Hey," she said, and glanced up briefly at the mistletoe hanging over their heads. "Spirit of the season, right?"

If she were entirely in her right mind, Shepard would have taken her hands off the other woman's body, but as if of their own volition she was running her fingers lightly up and down Amelia's lower back, tracing her spine. And then she was leaning in, placing a kiss lightly at the hinge of her jaw, just below her ear.

She drew in a breath, slowly, and had to issue an apology of her own. "Sorry. This isn't like me." Soft, and a little breathless - and it was probably telling that she made no real move to pull away.


Hey~ o/ healsforjustice December 4 2011, 12:36:45 UTC
"Is it?" she asked, tilting her head in confusion, though still more than a little flustered. After all, she had never heard of Christmas before, so the significance of the mistletoe was lost on her currently. Then again, she didn't really think to dwell on it, considering the current circumstances.

As she felt those hands trace over her frame, she couldn't help but shiver, already starting to feel warmth spreading through her at the touch. That little kiss also had a potent effect, a quiet mew escaping the princess as her own fingers curled into the fabric of her companion's clothes. Still, she could be grateful the other woman was understanding of the whole situation.

"Me neither. I don't...know what we should do." she managed to murmur, biting her lower lip, as if hoping that would subdue her urge to start kissing Shepard again, or worse, let her mouth move to other parts of her body. Well, at least without her permission anyway.


humanparagon December 5 2011, 08:44:16 UTC
It wasn't the first time Shepard had met someone who'd never heard of Christmas before, and that was what she guessed was going on here, judging from Amelia's evident confusion. "That plant is called mistletoe," she said. "It's part of a holiday tradition where I come from, this time of year. If two people meet under it, they're supposed to kiss."

Although Shepard's mind by now was on quite a bit more than only kissing - and she could guess Amelia's was, too. It was hard, not to stare at her lips as she bit down on the lower one. Her own pulse was beating much too quickly, her breath just a little too short, though miraculously her hands on the other woman's waist were steady.

"We don't have to do anything," she said - it felt like a lie, the way she was feeling, but Shepard wasn't going to do anything Amelia didn't want, aphrodisiacs and magical compulsions be damned. She swallowed, then added, with a faint little smile, "But I won't complain if you want to keep going."

It was too tempting, with the way they were standing, the feel of the younger woman's fingers curled into the fabric of her blouse, the little sound she'd made when Shepard had kissed her.


healsforjustice December 5 2011, 13:37:39 UTC
Tilting her head up to look, finally noticing the plant hanging over them, Amelia's mouth formed an 'o' shape, nodding in understanding. "I take it that the plant doesn't make people kiss normally though, right?" she enquired. That sounded much more like the hotel just taking things too far.

From the way the princess was watching, and making no move to retreat from the hold, despite her blushing she was sharing Shepards thoughts on the matter. Truth be told, she wasn't against the notion, but first thing was first. She wasn't about to just jump right into this without consideration of the other female. Like all her encounters, Amelia at least wanted there to be some semblance of recognition and introductions.

"Well, can I at least ask your name?" she questioned softly, subtly pressing closer to the other woman, suddenly recalling she was being rude in asking such a thing without saying who she was first. "I'm Amelia, by the way."


humanparagon December 6 2011, 05:07:32 UTC
"No, not normally." Shepard's smile twitched into a little smirk. That was definitely more of the hotel's bizarre magic at work (or whatever it was - she didn't believe in magic but neither did she have a better way to explain this).

She couldn't quite keep her hands from wandering a little, fingers brushing lightly over that pretty flush on Amelia's cheek. The question served to sober her for a moment - she was glad the other woman had asked. Basic politeness was a thing people seemed to forget in the heat of the moment, in this place.

"Alisa Shepard. Most people just call me Shepard." Kaidan had kept calling her Shepard even after they'd slept together - maybe it was just easier after years of not being called by her first name.

Her fingers slid back into Amelia's hair, brushing a loose strand out of her face. "That's a pretty name, Amelia."


healsforjustice December 6 2011, 17:28:07 UTC
Naturally, magic was a default for Amelia, being able to do it herself, though never to the degree the hotel seemed capable of. Still, she didn't really have a chance to mull over the fundamentals of how things worked in situations like this, especially when that gently touch to her face was such a nice distraction.

Even so, she did make a point to register the name given to her, nodding in turn. After all, she felt it wrong to just tumble into intimacy with complete strangers, so the basic mannerism was much needed. Besides, considering how she had suddenly made her way over to kiss Shepard without a word of introduction, she at least owed the woman that much. It also showed that she was not usually this forward.

"Alright then, Miss Shepard." she smiled back, her usual politeness in her speech ever present, despite the casual attitude of her companion. Still, she was quick to become embarrassed once more at the touch to her hair.

"Th-Thanks." she murmured, flush increasing again at the compliment, swallowing and chewing on her lip against as she tried to find the politest way of saying she didn't mind if things continued. "Well, I mean if you don't have any objections..."


humanparagon December 7 2011, 07:11:20 UTC
The politeness in such an impolite situation was honestly a little endearing - not to mention she didn't think she'd ever been called "Miss Shepard" before, by anyone. "You're welcome," she answered, the hand that had been stroking the other woman's hair moving to settle on her shoulder, sliding down her arm, definitely a little flirtatious now that she knew her advances were wanted. Life in the military didn't leave much room for intimacy, and things like this always felt like a bit of a novelty.

The shy almost-question broadened her smile slightly, and she leaned in, curling her fingers loosely around Amelia's upper arm. "If you don't want me to stop," she teased lightly, "you should just say so." And then she was bending to catch Amelia's lips with hers again - decisively, but still softly, considerate. Shepard was usually a bit rough when it came to love-play, but she knew how to be tender, too, how to go slowly and gently.


healsforjustice December 8 2011, 00:44:13 UTC
Amelia was just polite by default, though really with the way the hotel tended to work, she made the extra bit of effort, in order to let there be some exchange with people she met before anything happened. Even her closest friends were still addressed formally, so unless the person told her it wasn't necessary, she continued to do it. It tended to say how she regarded everyone with a degree of respect, and Shepard would soon find that the only time that formality slipped was during more intimate activities.

The touch of that hand trailing down her harm made her shiver pleasantly, feeling warm at how the other woman's fingers curled around her skin. She could feel her face heating up anew, unable to force out any stuttered rambling before she felt those lips on her, melting into the kiss. She appreciated the gentle touch, allowing her worries to vanish as she leaned in closer, responding tenderly as she held on tight to her companion, reassuring her that she did want this.


humanparagon December 8 2011, 03:26:38 UTC
Shepard's hands lowered to Amelia's waist, settling there, lightly stroking the curve of her hips as she tilted her head to get a better angle on the kiss. This woman was different from most of the people she'd been with - delicate and soft, rather than hard and battle-scarred. And while she may have had more of a kinship with fighters and those who'd led rough lives, there was a certain pleasant contrast in being with a partner who was completely the opposite.

Her lips parted and she took Amelia's lower lip gently between them, sucking lightly on the sensitive flesh before stroking it with her tongue, asking permission to deepen the kiss. Already she was feeling just a little short of breath with anticipation. If she were to be completely honest, it'd been a very long time since the last time she'd been with another woman, and she had every intention of enjoying herself - and for Amelia to enjoy herself, as well.


healsforjustice December 8 2011, 15:33:56 UTC
She shuddered at the touch, curving her body into the touch in appreciation, all the while mewing softly against the lips that touched her own. While small and demure, Amelia wasn't a stranger to combat. She was just lucky that her ability to heal often meant the results of her exploits didn't show. She was also a princess after all, so there was that balance between her willingness to fight, and the formal politeness of her unbringing.

The girl inhaled sharply at the teasing of her lip, whining into the kiss as her grip tightened, mouth opening in consent to taking things further. Her own tongue carefully slid out to coax more interaction with Shepard, head falling back as things heated up. As her hands kept her steady, clinging firmly, Amelia relied on a different approach to reciprocate what she was feeling, her leg coiling around her partners, rubbing up and down gently. Needless to say, it wasn't going to take much to make her enjoy this.


humanparagon December 9 2011, 07:58:45 UTC
Listening to the little sounds of pleasure the other woman made was entirely too much of a turn-on, as was the way Amelia's leg curled around her own, rubbing against her thigh. Gripping her hips tighter, Shepard tugged Amelia in closer, deepening the kiss, tasting her hungrily. Her desire, her need for this was impossible to ignore or avoid.

Groaning quietly in the back of her throat, Shepard broke the kiss, tilting her head to lick and suck and nip along Amelia's throat, the smooth expanse of skin far too inviting to resist. She wanted more, wanted to strip her out of her clothes and taste every inch of her body.

But they were more than a little bit in public, and exhibitionism wasn't really Shepard's thing - she doubted it was Amelia's, either. She kissed up along the other woman's neck, until she was close enough to murmur in her ear. "You wanna find somewhere more private?"


healsforjustice December 10 2011, 19:17:23 UTC
There was no resistance from the princess at the actions, quite happy to allow Shepard to pull her into a firmer hold, the noises continuing to escape into the kiss as things became more heated each minute that passed. Her mind was quickly fogging over, and it was unlikely she had any will to deny the other female now, not that she wanted to anyway.

That was made more evident by her acceptance of the sensations brought for as those lips moved across her skin. Head falling back, she held on tighter to her partner, panting softly in between moans as her hips jerked a little, the leverage of her leg around Shepards allowing her to rock into her easily.

Still, she did prefer things to be private, so was grateful her companion thought of moving before they got too carried away. "Yes please." she whispered breathlessly, readjusting so she could walk beside Shepard, eyes scanning for an empty room nearby.


here I am! sorry, this weekend was kind of a mess. x.x humanparagon December 19 2011, 03:09:32 UTC
Amelia's responsiveness was really doing a number on Shepard's self-control, especially the way she moaned and rocked against her as if she could barely contain herself. Impatient herself, she had to restrain a sigh of relief when she quickly found an unoccupied room, leading the other woman with her and closing the door behind them.

A tiny grin crossed her lips, and she pulled Amelia toward the bed. "C'mere," she murmured, tugging her down to sit on the mattress with her. Immediately she was returning to kiss her, lips finding the side of her neck she hadn't been toying with before, teasing the skin there with lips and tongue and the slightest graze of teeth - she wasn't really looking to leave too much in the way of marks, unless Amelia indicated she wanted that.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" Shepard wasn't very good at flirting, it was true - she was usually quite direct - but she figured compliments never hurt. Especially when they were true.


No worries, it's worth waiting for.~ healsforjustice December 19 2011, 13:06:11 UTC
Amelia was quite happy to follow obediently behind Shepard, sitting down as silently instructed. However, that quiet compliance disappeared when lips touched her neck, head falling back almost immediately to allow the other female better access to her skin. She mewed, breaths shaky as her fingers threaded through partners hair, shivering in enjoyment from the way she was teasing her neck.

It didn't matter, flirts or compliments, any such thing was enough to get Amelia worked up. For a princess, she was terribly modest, and often still found herself caught off guard by people saying such things about her. Needless to say, Shepard's words had a potent effect, the healer continuing to make noises of pleasure, pressing close so she just about melted against the other woman's body. She just hoped she'd be able to show her appreciation for the attentions later, not wanting to leave Shepard with all the work.


humanparagon December 26 2011, 01:33:34 UTC
Shepard didn't really mind doing all the work, at least not right then, though she couldn't say she wasn't appreciative of the fingers in her hair and the feeling of Amelia's body pressed against hers. Her own breathing came a little more quickly now, pulse beating faster, as she carded her own fingers through the other woman's hair, lightly tugging on it - but only lightly, at least for the time being.

The only thing that could have made this better was taking off their clothes - even she was starting to feel a little flushed, a little overheated in her jeans and her casual top. Running her hands over Amelia's body, she sought out the quickest way to remove her clothing, even as she continued to kiss and suckle at her neck and throat.


healsforjustice December 27 2011, 00:11:24 UTC
The gentle tugs earned more whimpers from Amelia, the girl squirming as the assault on her neck continued. She continued her own touches and actions, rocking into her companion, feeling rather lightheaded. It certainly seemed like there was no turning back now for either of them.

Breath light and gasping, one of her legs hitched up to rub against her partner again, this time going all the way across, over Shepard's lap as she pressed up against her. The friction that was builing up only made things all the warmer, and the princess hoped that the woman would soon come across the zip at the back of her dress. Meanwhile, at least there was something she could do, her free hand slowly moving down and carefully sliding under the hem of her partner's top. Hopefully she wasn't being too forward, letting her hand trail up her body, warm palm cupping one breast gently.


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