Sep 03, 2011 09:06

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Flynn Scifo || Tales of Vesperia || M/F divine_streak September 3 2011, 06:08:27 UTC
got a 6. went WELP! and here we are. iknowlove September 3 2011, 06:59:31 UTC
[ Terra had no idea how long she had been running, but she had abandoned the heels she had been wearing with her dress some time ago. No matter how many corners she turned, she could still hear the booted feet chasing after her.

They had come for her at the castle, having heard of special qualities she possessed, qualities that would help wars be waged on all of the weaker lands. She couldn't let them have her. She wouldn't. But where was she to go? She had easier ways to get out, but that would only draw more attention to her. Desperate, Terra found herself running through a row of houses, knocking at each door in desperation. ]

Please. Someone... there has to be someone...


And I am so glad you did! divine_streak September 3 2011, 07:50:12 UTC
[Flynn had been in his house when he heard the commotion outside and went to the window to see what the matter was. He heard the marching of the military and saw the desperate looking girl searching for a place to stay and made the connection almost instantly.

Wasting no time, he hurried over to his door and opened it nice and wide.]

Miss! Hurry! You can hide in here!


iknowlove September 3 2011, 07:55:05 UTC
[ The sound of a door opening was the most welcome thing she had ever heard. Terra ran toward it instantly, ducking inside as quickly as she could. She went to the nearest window and peered out of it. She closed the curtains and turned toward whom she hoped was actually going to be her savior. ]

Thank you.


divine_streak September 3 2011, 17:57:47 UTC
[While she draws the curtains shut, Flynn quickly closes and locks the doors. He quickly extinguishes a lamp to ensure the illusion of no one being awake in the house from the outside. He blinks, eyes not used to the darkness yet. He takes a step forward against his better judgement.]

You looked like you needed help. I couldn't just leave you. Why were you runNING-!?

[As he should have expected, Flynn trips as he steps forward, stumbling into his new houseguest.]


iknowlove September 3 2011, 21:11:06 UTC

[ She had been prepared to give him an answer (or at the very least, an answer that was true but not the entirety of why she was running). But she never got the chance. After the light went out, it was hard for her to see anything, and it was only as her eyes were finally beginning to adjust, using what little light came from outside, that she saw him falling into her.

Her arms get tangled around him and she falls backward with a squeak, pulling him down with her. ]


divine_streak September 3 2011, 22:18:27 UTC
[With an oof, Flynn lands on top of the girl. He blinks for a while before quickly shifting his weight so that he's stradling her instead of lying on top of her.]

I-I'm so sorry! Are you alright!?

[Flynn still hasn't gotten up yet until his eyes fully adjust to the darkness. However, he's failed to notice that his hand is on something soft...]


iknowlove September 3 2011, 22:41:36 UTC
I'm fine...

[ Nothing really hurt, anyway. Well, her elbow a little from where it had hit the floor first, but that was about it.

But then she feels the hand, once the surprise of what had just happened wore off. Heat rises to her cheeks and her body freezes as she tries to see him through the darkness. ]

I... Um...


divine_streak September 3 2011, 23:07:48 UTC
Is something wro-

[All of a sudden a lightbulb goes on in Flynn's head as he realizes exactly what he's gripping. Still possessing enough intelligence to not yell outloud, he quickly jumps off of her, practically throwing his hand back.]

I-I am so sorry miss! It was not my intention to...

[Turning a shade of deep scarlet, he offers her his hand.]

H-here. Let me help you up.


iknowlove September 3 2011, 23:11:23 UTC
[ She reaches up to take his hand after a minute, using it to pull herself up to her feet. ]

It's okay. It was just an accident, after all.

[ Right?

Terra takes a moment to straighten herself out before moving (very carefully, testing each step to make sure she's not about to run into anything) over to the window again to peek out.

It was a good distraction to help her not think about what he had just been groping. ]


divine_streak September 3 2011, 23:24:30 UTC
Yes. It was.

[He said more to himself than to her. No he did not do it on purpose, but he can't say he didn't enjoy it with complete honesty. His eyes now beginning to adjust to the darkness he followed her to the window, but stayed an arm's length away if only to give her peace of mind.]

Why are you running from them?


iknowlove September 3 2011, 23:32:33 UTC
[ Terra's quiet for a moment as she continues to stare out the window, but eventually she lets the curtain fall shut again, blocking off the moonlight and glow from the lamps outside from her face. She wraps her arms around herself and turns to lean against the wall, staring into the darkness of the stranger's home. ]

They... are after something that I possess.


divine_streak September 5 2011, 07:28:00 UTC
[This does not go unnoticed by Flynn. After a moment of hesitation, he removes the riding cloak he had been wearing. He was about to leave town on his horse before he noticed Terra in distress.

Being careful not to put his hands anywhere near her chest, he drapes the cloak over her.]

Here. It's freezing out, and you're wearing less than me.

[He nodded at her account, noting that she wasn't telling him just what they were after.]

I see. You don't need to tell me what it is you have. However, if the military wants it, it's probably a good idea to make sure they don't get it. I help supply a group in the next town that resists the military. I can take you there as soon as things quiet down here. They'll likely be checking anyone who tries to leacve tonight.


iknowlove September 5 2011, 07:36:59 UTC
Thank you.

[ She grips the cloak tighter around herself and lets out a breath, her eyes lowering. They come up again at the last and she blinks a few times. ]

You would... do that for me?

[ Terra pushes herself away from the window and maneuvers her way further into the house. If he was going to get herself into trouble for her sake, he may as well know what he was getting in to. When she feels she's far enough back from the window she turns around again, only now her hands are glowing with a quiet light. ]

You deserve to know why the search for me, if you go so far, sir...?


divine_streak September 6 2011, 07:23:06 UTC
[Flynn stared in silent shock for a moment as the light radiated from her hands. He had heard rumors, but he never even imagined...]

You have magic...?

[After a few mor emoments of surprise, Flynn strode forward and gently placed a hand on hers, indicating that she should keep that power hidden.]

My name is Flynn Scifo. And if that's genuine, then it's very important that we get you as far away from the military as possible. I'll take you as far away from here as you need to go, but we should wait till morning. They'll change the guard by then and it will be easier to escape. If we try to leave now, we'll be chased.


iknowlove September 6 2011, 07:35:15 UTC
Thank you, Flynn.

[ Terra pauses for a second as if unsure she should introduce herself or not. She may not have been the most visible Princess of the land (by which of course she had only ever been out of the castle a few times, usually to visit dignitaries and important people) but name was still...

She takes a deep breath and holds his hand a little tighter, dousing the light of her magic. ]

I... I'm Terra. Branford.


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