fic: Rules

Feb 06, 2011 00:09

Title: Rules
Author: lovablelexie
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Lea/Dianna
Summary: From this prompt at the Glee Kink Meme: In her apartment/trailer, Lea creates a rule that only Dianna must follow; no clothes allowed. As soon as she gets in the door she has to strip, hang her clothes on the coat rack and stay that way until she leaves. Bonus points if one of the gleeks comes over unannounced and sees Dianna's clothes on the rack while Dianna hides in the bathroom, mortified.
Disclaimer: This is a total piece of fiction, I own nothing and no one involved
Word Count: 2,577
A/N: This one is for lovspaz91 who sent me the prompt! Comments appreciated!

There were so many accomplishments in her life that Lea had to be proud of; first role on Broadway at age eight, her budding career on television, the fact that Billboard made a new award to celebrate her talents. But the one she was most proud of was something only about a dozen people knew she was responsible for. Ryan Murphy’s no sex in the trailers rule was a direct result of her antics. Well, if she was being technical, Dianna was responsible too; that whole takes two to tango thing. The two of them were constantly showing up late on set with rumpled costumes and flyaway sex hair so the show’s creator finally put his foot down.

Not that the two followed the rule; they just became more discreet. But Lea easily got bored with being inconspicuous and therefore she made a rule of her own. If Dianna ever entered her trailer, she had to take off all of her clothes and stay nude the entire time. The blonde was reluctant at first but Lea was an expert at getting her way and after a long night filled with tongues and fingers everywhere, Dianna agreed.

At first, Dianna tried to stay away from Lea’s trailer, embarrassed by the idea. But she missed alone time with her girlfriend during the workday, so she sucked it up and entered the trailer, stripping her clothes off the moment the door was closed. Usually, Lea was all over her the second the last article of clothing was removed but other times she just sat and stared at her, licking her lips appreciatively which turned Dianna on immensely.

During the week they were filming the Super Bowl episode Dianna visited Lea every day. She knocked twice on the door, signaling that it was her, before entering. “Lea? Baby?” Dianna called out softly when her girlfriend wasn’t at the door waiting for her. She shrugged her shoulders and, as per the rule, began taking off her clothes. She kicked off her shoes and pulled her dark blue jeans down her legs before taking off her white t-shirt and unclasping her bra. “Lea?” she called out a second time, wondering if maybe she wasn’t here and she was getting naked for nothing.

Suddenly she heard some rustling in the bathroom and Lea’s bubbly voice. “I’m here, Di. Don’t even think about leaving any of your clothes on.” She sighed but still had a smile on her face as she discarded her last item of clothing, lacy red boy shorts. She then took a seat on the couch, waiting patiently at first but when Lea still hadn’t emerged after several minutes she started to get irritated.

“Lea, if you aren’t going to come out here, what’s even the point of me sitting her naked? I might have agreed to this but that doesn’t mean I want to sit around all…”

She trailed off, forgetting everything she wanted to say, when Lea finally came out of the bathroom. She was wearing black gym shorts that showed off her tanned legs and a yellow sports bra that was eerily similar to the one she wore during her Baby One More Time number. Dianna’s eyes immediately focused on Lea’s toned stomach and just like Pavlov’s dogs, she salivated.

“See something you like?” Lea asked coyly. She twirled a strand of her hair around her finger and then trailed her fingers down the column of her neck until they grazed teasingly over her breast.

Dianna whimpered. “Come here baby. I need to touch you.”

Lea sauntered over to the couch, standing in front of the blonde who remained seated. Dianna grabbed Lea’s hips and began to run her tongue over the singer’s exposed stomach. She kissed and licked, letting her tongue dip into the girl’s belly button, which caused Lea to shiver. Her teeth nipped at her pelvic bone, her tongue running lovingly over the bite mark.

Lea lowered herself to her knees, placing her hands on either side of Dianna’s neck and pulled the girl into a deep kiss. Their lips moved sensually against one another, tips of tongues peeking out every so often to touch, but for the moment they were content to just kiss. Lea broke off the kiss first, leaning back and sitting on her heels. She and Dianna both stared at her fingers as they began trailing over the blonde’s pale skin. She teased the nipples, watching the pink buds stiffen under her touch. She moved lower, over quivering abdominal muscles, until she reached the apex between Dianna’s thighs.

Lea’s index finger ran up and down the slit, dipping every so often into the warm wet folds. Dianna let out soft sighs at the contact, her eyes fluttering closed. She allowed herself to get lost in Lea’s playful touch and it was because of that that she let out a ludicrously loud gasp when she felt Lea’s fingers being replaced with her tongue. Instinctively, Dianna’s hand went to the back of the singer’s head, tangling her fingers in the brown curls and making sure Lea wouldn’t pull away from her.

The brunette moved her tongue expertly around Dianna’s clit, switching between clockwise and counterclockwise circles. The taller girl rotated her hips in order to feel Lea’s tongue from a variety of angles. She felt the familiar stirring between her legs and knew it wouldn’t take much more for her to come apart.

“Lea…” she panted breathlessly. Before she could make her command of “Don’t stop,” however, there came a persistent knock on the trailer door.

Lea jumped up, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and Dianna’s eyes widened in panic. The knocking continued and Naya’s voice could be heard over the pounding. “What the hell are you doing in there, Lea? We were supposed to leave for the recording studio ten minutes ago.”

Dianna sat paralyzed with fear, hoping against all odds that Naya wouldn’t open the door and see her in all her naked glory. Lea grabbed her hand, forcing her up off the couch and gestured toward the bathroom with a tilt of her head. Realizing that her legs actually worked, Dianna sprinted to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind her.

The timing was perfect because the next second, Naya flung the door open. “Seriously Lea, the fuck are you doing?” She caught sight of the diva and raised an eyebrow as she questioned, “What’s with the outfit? The Britney episode was months ago.”

“I felt like being comfortable,” Lea responded matter-of-factly. “Let me just throw on a t-shirt and we can get going.”

It was at that moment that Naya noticed the red lace on the floor. She was about to make a sarcastic comment when a memory from one of their First Wives Club gatherings popped into her head. After several glasses of wine, the girls had brought up their underwear preferences. Lea had been pretty adamant in her love for thongs and thongs only. The person who had stated she liked boy shorts, lace ones in particular, was…Dianna.

“God Lea,” the Latina said in a fake disgusted tone. “I understand holding onto a pair of Dianna’s panties, I have a pair of HeMo’s in my trailer too, but do you have to keep them out in the open?”

A deep blush formed on Lea’s cheeks but she managed to say in a steady voice, “Wow. I don’t even know how those got there.”

Naya chuckled at the ridiculous comment and was about to let it slide and head out the door when her brain registered what the panties were lying on. They were definitely on top of a pile of clothes. Synapses firing, she immediately put two and two together.

“Fuck, she’s here isn’t she?” Naya said, suddenly embarrassed. “She’s hiding somewhere naked isn’t she? I totally butted in on something…God, I’m so sorry. I’ll just leave and let you finish. I’ll stall for you at the studio, make some excuse for why you’re running late.” She quickly grabbed the door handle but before she opened it, she yelled out, “Sorry, Di!” She opened the door and hurried out of the trailer.

The bathroom door clicked open and Dianna tentatively poked her head out. Her entire face was red with mortification and while Lea did feel sympathy for her, she thought her girlfriend looked absolutely adorable.

“Oh Di,” she said considerately. “You can come back out baby. I locked the door so no one else can interrupt us.”

Dianna walked out of the bathroom, her head hung in shame. She made a beeline for her pile of clothes, picking them up and holding them protectively against her chest. “I don’t think I want to play this game anymore,” she said, her bottom lip quivering. “That was absolutely humiliating. How can I ever look Naya in the eye again?”

“Sweetie, the whole cast knows we are together. They know we’ve had sex in our trailers plenty of times. We’ve had close calls before…remember the time we stumbled upon Naya and Heather and got a glimpse of Heather’s bare ass? It’s no big deal baby.” Lea stepped closer to Dianna and kissed her sweetly. “Please put the clothes down. We were having so much fun. Don’t you think we should finish what we started?”

“Okay,” Dianna replied timidly. “But I want you to get naked too.”

“I can definitely make that happen,” Lea said, her eyes sparkling. She wrapped her arms around herself, pulling the yellow sports bra over her head and then moved to the shorts, pushing them down her shapely legs.

“Better?” she asked, as she stood naked in the center of the room.

“Mmm,” Dianna muttered appreciatively. “Much.” She dropped the clothes she was holding and walked the few steps over to Lea. She reached up to run her fingers through Lea’s hair, loving the way the silky soft strands felt against her skin. She leaned in and pressed her lips gently to the brunette’s, peeking her tongue out to run against the singer’s bottom lip silently seeking permission to enter. When Lea parted her lips, Dianna dipped into her mouth, probing and playing with the brunette’s warm tongue with her own.

Lea’s hands, which were resting on Dianna’s hips, moved slowly up the blonde’s body, cupping her breasts. She ran her thumbs in circles over the erect nipples, hearing Dianna moan into her mouth. She let out a gasp of her own when, out of nowhere, she felt Dianna’s slender fingers between her legs, parting her folds and beginning to tease her entrance.

“Di,” she whispered against the taller girl’s lips, her fingers pinching the blonde’s nipples.

Dianna heard the underlying pleading in Lea’s voice and slowly began to push two fingers inside of her. Lea moaned and sighed as she felt Dianna’s fingers enter her, her center automatically becoming wetter due to the contact. She rocked her hips slightly on the girl’s fingers and pressed their lips together in a passionate kiss.

Pumping her fingers at a steady pace, Dianna scissored them inside of Lea, stretching her and causing the singer to groan approvingly. Lea dragged her left hand down the blonde’s body, finding her clit hard and protruding, begging to be touched.

“God, Di,” Lea moaned. “You’re so sexy. You’re just dying for me to touch you, aren’t you?” Without waiting for a response, she began to run her thumb over the small bud, her index and middle finger running through the girl’s folds, gathering lubrication.

Dianna began to thrust her fingers faster, anticipating Lea’s next move. She didn’t have to wait long as Lea’s tiny fingers pushed inside of her roughly.

“Fuck!” Dianna gasped at the sudden, hard contact. Lea was usually a bit rough with her but it still managed to catch her off guard. Regardless, she loved it and immediately began to match Lea thrust for thrust.

The two girls stood in the middle of the room, foreheads pressed together as they fingered each other, the only sounds in the room being their moans and gasps. Dianna felt Lea’s walls tighten around her fingers and knew that the smaller girl was close.

“Not yet, baby,” she said quietly. “Hold on just a little bit for me. I’m getting so close and I want us to come together.”

Lea nodded shakily and closed her eyes tightly, trying to keep her orgasm at bay. She pushed her fingers into Dianna as deep as they would go, frantic to hit the spot that would send her girlfriend into ecstasy. Dianna’s fingers felt so good and were hitting all the right spots, she didn’t know if she would be able to hang on much longer.

“Di, baby, I can’t…I’m going to…” Lea huffed, searching for approval to let go. She could feel Dianna begin to clench around her fingers as well and knew she was nearing the end.

“I know sweetie, I know,” Dianna panted. “I’m right there…go on baby, come for me.”

That was all Lea needed to hear. Her inner walls clamped almost violently tight and she wailed as shockwaves of pleasure coursed through her body. She was so caught up in her own reaction that she barely registered Dianna coming undone around her fingers. She opened her eyes in time to see the blonde toss her head back in bliss, her body trembling due to the sensation.

When both girls had calmed down to the point that their breathing returned to normal, Lea grabbed her clothes and began putting them back on. “I’m sorry, Dianna,” she said remorsefully as she pulled on her sports bra and reached for a t-shirt that was flung across the arm of the couch. “That was incredible but I’m going to be so late at the recording studio, they are bound to rip me a new one.”

“I know. Go ahead. I’ll see you later today.” Dianna reached for her own clothes but Lea stopped her by grabbing her arm.

“You don’t have any more scenes to film today do you?” she asked.

“No. I figured I would just go back to my trailer and try to rest for a little bit.”

“Stay here?” Lea asked suggestively, raising an eyebrow. “I’ll be gone a few hours but the thought of you here, waiting for me…”

“You’re insatiable, you know that, right?” Dianna chuckled as Lea simply nodded her head. “Okay, I suppose I can stay here.”

Lea smiled brightly. “I knew you would.” She leaned down and kissed Dianna passionately, leaving the girl’s eyes glassed over when she pulled away.

“There will be more where that came from when I get back.” She grinned mischievously as she headed for the door. “Better lock this behind me. I wouldn’t want anyone else to come in and find my gorgeous naked girlfriend all alone.”

“Right,” Dianna replied. “Wouldn’t want any more on-set rules to be made because of us.”

“Exactly. Otherwise I’ll have to make a rule that you have to come to all rehearsals naked and I’m sure Ryan would highly disapprove.”

Dianna giggled but then said firmly, “Lea, go. Naya can’t stall forever.”

“Okay, okay.” Lea conceded. “Just remember to keep those clothes off.”

“I will. I may break a lot of rules but never any of yours.”

“Good girl,” Lea said proudly before finally exiting the trailer, already thinking about what she would do to Dianna when she got back.

achele, nc17

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