fic: Broadway Brawl

Jan 09, 2011 00:48

Title: Broadway Brawl
Author: lovablelexie
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Lea/Rachel
Summary: From this prompt at the Glee Kink Meme: Rachel is up against Lea for a leading part on Broadway. Cue them arguing and it turning into a fight for dominance. Bonus points for scratching, biting, and dirty talk.
Disclaimer: This is a total piece of fiction, I own nothing and no one involved
Word Count: 2,651

You have got to me kidding me. Her again? Rachel thought as she sat in the casting office. From the moment she had moved to New York four years before, Lea Michele had been a thorn in her side. She always received the parts that Rachel desperately wanted even though she knew had to pay her dues and be a background player. She had worked diligently, perfecting her craft and slowly climbing the Broadway ladder all the way up to being a supporting character. Now, at age twenty-two, she felt more than ready for her first leading role. It seemed liked fate that there was an opening for the role of Eva Peron in Evita, her dream character. She was determined to make the part hers which was why she was so devastated to see Lea in the casting office as well. She had no idea how she was supposed to compete with a Broadway veteran who looked strikingly like her.

She sat in the hard-backed red chair, nervously rolling a magazine in her hands as she silently sang “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina” in her head. She kept glancing over at Lea who looked calm as a lark, if only a little bit impatient at having to wait.

The casting director emerged from his office, followed by a tall, lanky brunette whose facial expression showed that her audition clearly did not go well. Well, that’s one down, Rachel thought.

“Ladies,” the middle aged man with the beginnings of a receding hairline said, “I’m awfully sorry but we’re running low on time. I can see you both right now but on a slightly altered schedule. You can both sing today and come back tomorrow morning to read a monologue. Lea,” he nodded, clearly familiar with the girl, “is that alright with you?”

“Sure,” Lea agreed and Rachel swore she heard a hint of irritation in her voice.

“Great,” he replied. “And you…” he trailed off, looking at Rachel.

“Rachel. Rachel Berry,” the diva said in her most confident voice. “Tomorrow morning is perfect.”

Lea sang first and Rachel studied her intently. She was obviously talented and Rachel knew she would have to perform her song absolutely perfectly if she wanted to beat the brunette out for the part. Luckily, she had been preparing for this moment since she was five years old and she had the utmost confidence in herself.

As she began to sing, Rachel felt herself getting lost in the words and belted out the song better than she ever had before. Her mind briefly wandered to Lea, wondering if her performance was making the girl anxious at all, but she pushed the thought aside and finished singing, looking the casting director right in the eye.

“Thank you ladies,” he said. “I’ll see you again tomorrow morning.” He shook both girls hands and led them out of the office.

Once in the hallway, Rachel let out a happy sigh. She felt good about this, Really good. Lea walked ahead of her toward the elevator and not knowing what possessed her, Rachel said, “You’re not taking this part from me. It’s my turn.”

Lea whipped around so fast, her eyes burning with fury. “What did you just say? Who the hell do you think you are?”

Rachel was slightly taken aback by Lea’s anger but if four years in the city had taught her anything, she had learned how to be tough and stand her ground. “I said this part is mine. You’ve been my personal nemesis since the second I saw you. I’ve been living in your shadow for four years and there is no way I am letting you take Evita away from me.”

She gasped when she felt Lea grab her wrist, gripping it painfully. “I’m your nemesis? Please. As much as I hate to admit it, I’ve noticed you. That means casting director’s will too. You’re a younger version of me. Who’s going to want a thirty-year-old Lea Michele when they can have an up and coming Rachel Berry? But I can promise you, you will never have my talent; I’m a better Evita than you any day.”

Rachel yanked her wrist, trying to get it out of Lea’s grasp but the brunette held firm. “Your talent doesn’t even compare to mine. Did you even hear me sing in there?” Rachel felt her blood boiling. She had endured insults for years but the ones that hit her hardest were the ones about her singing abilities.

“Yes. And it was pitchy.” Lea spat. “You might be starting to catch people’s eye but for the most part, you’re still a nobody.”

“You know what?” Rachel said, her voice full of rage. “You’re a fucking bitch. Now let go of me.”

Lea was furious with this young, arrogant girl who clearly had no respect for the veterans of Broadway. She wanted to teach her a lesson; she needed to learn her place in the world. She pulled Rachel’s wrist and dragged her into the empty office across the hall. She slammed the door shut and stared at Rachel whose wide eyes were still filled with fury but now also with a hint of fear.

“So I’m a bitch, huh?” Lea asked menacingly. She dropped Rachel’s wrist but inched closer and closer to the girl until Rachel’s back was flush with the wall. “Well you know what? I’ve been on Broadway since I was eight years old and if I’m a bitch for not wanting some young slut coming and stealing parts from me than so be it.”

“Fuck you!” Rachel shouted as she reached out and shoved Lea forcefully. “You want to call me a slut? Well I’d never be caught dead topless on stage!”

Without warning, Lea grabbed Rachel’s hair and pulled. She pulled her close until their lips met in a hateful kiss. Rachel was caught off guard, she definitely had not been expecting this, but she responded, expelling all of her anger in the kiss. She gasped when Lea’s teeth bit down on her bottom lip.

“Yes you would. If it meant a leading role, you’d go completely naked on stage. You’re a whore for the spotlight and that’s what whores do.” Lea brought her mouth down to Rachel’s neck and bit the sensitive flesh until Rachel moaned with a mixture of pleasure and pain.

Rachel grabbed Lea’s hair tightly with her left hand and her right fisted around the sheer fabric of the singer’s shirt, pulling and stretching the material. She tugged at Lea’s hair, forcing the girl to tilt her head, exposing the column of her throat. She matched Lea’s bite with one of her own, her tongue darting out to briefly soothe the red mark before continuing to bite along the brunette’s collarbone and shoulder. She felt Lea shiver when the hand that was gripping her shirt grazed across her nipple, which was already impossibly hard.

“Oh, you like this?” Rachel asked, her voice dripping with ferocity. “Who’s the slut now?”

Lea’s hands went under Rachel’s shirt and shoved themselves under her bra to pinch the hardened peaks they found there. “Nice try,” Lea sneered. “You’re loving this too.”

Rachel tried her hardest to stifle the moan that was threatening to escape her lips. She would not let Lea win this game, this fight for dominance. She pulled Lea’s shirt up and over her head, pulling her bra straps down her arms and pushing the cups down to expose the singer’s breasts. She latched her mouth around a nipple and began to suck harshly, pleased when she heard Lea moan quietly.

She moved her ministrations to the other nipple that was begging for attention, her hand coming up to pinch the one her mouth had just vacated. Rachel thought she had Lea right where she wanted her, judging by the moans and sighs the brunette was making.

She couldn’t have been more wrong.

Lea quickly grabbed Rachel’s hair, pulling her away from her breasts, and shoved her back against the wall. “No,” she said severely. “You don’t get to be the one in control. We’re playing my game now.”

Her hand dipped under Rachel’s skirt and she ran her fingers along the damp panties. “Look at you, you filthy slut. You’re absolutely dripping. And it’s all for me.” Her fingers dipped into the skimpy underwear, exploring and teasing the wet flesh.

Rachel hoped that her hushed whimper would go unnoticed by Lea but she was once again mistaken.

“Is this driving you crazy? My fingers playing with you but not giving you exactly what you want? You’re so used to getting everything you want, aren’t you? What if I stopped right now?”

Rachel let out a strangled cry of protest but she couldn’t voice any words. She didn’t want Lea to stop but Rachel Berry never begged, especially when it came to sex. She had always had boys and, once she got to New York, girls begging her for more. She would rather leave right now, uncomfortable and unsatisfied instead of giving Lea the satisfaction of her asking for it.

“You’re too proud for your own good Rachel,” Lea said, her fingers running lightly over the girl’s sensitive bundle of nerves. “I want to fuck you so hard. I want you to scream my name. But you need to tell me that you want it.”

Growling in frustration, Rachel spat, “Jesus Christ, just do it.”

Lea pulled her fingers out of Rachel’s underwear, seeing the disappointment in the girl’s eyes quickly turn to elation when she tore the silky purple fabric off her body. She immediately shoved two fingers deep inside of Rachel, feeling her throbbing with need.

Rachel threw her head back in pure pleasure, not even caring about the loud thump it made against the wall. “God, Lea!” she moaned, her hands gripping the singer’s shoulders as she tried to get better leverage.

“Oh is this what you wanted?” Lea said tauntingly. “You’re such a whore Rachel, letting me fuck you in an empty office building.”

Rachel responded by bringing her mouth to Lea’s neck and biting it roughly. The brunette let out a quick cry of pain but masked it with anger.

“You little bitch. Who said you get to be rough? I shouldn’t even let you come now.”

“But you will,” Rachel replied hotly. “You want to feel me clench around your fingers and you want to lick my juices off when you’re finished. And you like it rough, I bet you get off on the pain.” To prove her point, Rachel dragged her fingernails down Lea’s back leaving red marks in her wake, proud of herself when the brunette arched her back and sighed with pleasure.

Lea moved her fingers brutally inside of Rachel, adding a third finger that caused the younger girl to cry out. “God Rachel, your pussy is so tight. Look at you, taking three fingers like a good little slut. I’d bet you’d take my whole fist if that’s what I wanted.”

Rachel whimpered at the thought. She hoped Lea wouldn’t actually do it because she knew the girl was right; at this point she was willing to endure anything that Lea wanted to do to her. Her fingers felt so good and she was currently feeling so much pleasure that nothing else mattered. She felt the sensation building that was warning her she was close and she knew all it would take would be one swift stroke on her clit but she wasn’t ready for this to end.

“Lea,” she moaned, “fuck…”

“I am, Rachel,” she replied, a smirk on her face. “How badly do you want to come?” Her fingers had found Rachel’s most sensitive spot and had begun to tease it mercilessly.

“I…yes…I,” Rachel tried to speak but each thrust of Lea’s fingers caused her to stop and gasp instead. “Make me come, Lea” she finally managed to choke out.

Lea shook her head, her fingers still moving rapidly. “Sluts don’t get to make demands. Either you ask nicely or I’ll make you finish yourself off.”

Rachel ground her teeth in irritation and bucked her hips forward, trying to get some friction against Lea’s palm. She looked the singer right in the eye as she scoffed, “Fuck you,” before sighing, “Please.”

As soon as she said the word, Lea circled the girl’s clit with her thumb. “Fuck! Yes! Leaaaa!” Rachel’s head once again knocked against the wall as her eyes clenched shut and her body began to shake with pleasure. Her legs went wobbly and she gripped Lea’s upper arms for support.

When she opened her eyes, they were glazed over with lust and she barely had time to register the look on Lea’s face before the singer issued her next demand.

“Lay down,” she said firmly.

“What?” Rachel asked in a post-orgasmic confusion.

“I said lay down. It’s my turn now.”

Rachel slowly lowered her body on the industrial gray carpeting, propping her upper half up on her forearms, awaiting Lea’s next move. She watched with captivated eyes as the brunette quickly unbuttoned her jeans and pushed the tight denim and her tiny black thong down her tan legs.

Getting down on her knees Lea said forcefully, “I said lay down. How many times do I have to tell you?” She pushed against Rachel’s shoulders so the girl was flat on her back.

“Don’t I get to touch you?” Rachel asked, when Lea straddled her leg.

“Why should you?” Lea’s voice was venomous. “This isn’t about you. I’m the one in control and I’m going to take exactly what I want.” She ground her sex down onto Rachel’s thigh, moaning happily at the contact.

Rachel let out quiet whimpers as Lea rubbed against her, her juices coating her thigh. She desperately wanted to feel more of Lea’s soft skin but was worried that the girl would slap her hands away. Deciding she didn’t care, Rachel brought her hands up to cup Lea’s breasts. She was rewarded when Lea groaned appreciatively and immediately shifted her body so her sex was pressed against Rachel’s.

“Fuck,” Lea whispered, circling her hips as her clit came into contact with Rachel’s. She pushed against the diva seeking the right amount of friction that would bring her to her desired release. “Rachel, I’m so close,” Lea moaned. “Do you want me to come all over your pussy?”

“Yes,” Rachel replied assertively.

Lea closed her eyes and began to move her hips frantically, her breath becoming short and shallow.

“Look at me,” Rachel demanded. “I want you to stare in my eyes when you come.”

The brunette didn’t obey right away so Rachel reached up and pulled her hair roughly. “I told you to look at me. You think I’m the only one that’s a slut? You’re just as much my slut as I am yours.”

Hearing Rachel’s arduous tone, Lea snapped her eyes open and locked her gaze on the younger girl’s. Rachel pinched Lea’s nipples and brought her hips up to meet the singer’s movements. Lea knew she was done for.
“God Rachel, I’m coming!” Lea shouted; her eyes remaining fixed on the girl beneath her. Her mouth formed a perfect o-shape as her orgasm washed over her. Rachel took in the scene delightedly; Lea was absolutely gorgeous in this moment.

Recovering quickly from her climax, Lea sat up and grabbed her clothes, pulling them back on. She tossed Rachel her torn underwear and not knowing what to do with them, the diva crumpled them up in her hand. She stood up and stared wordlessly as Lea finished getting dressed and walked toward the door.

With her hand on the doorknob, Lea turned around and smiled smugly. “You better get home and practice your monologue. See you in the morning.” And with that she walked out of the door, leaving Rachel stunned and speechless.

nc17, glee

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