Oct 07, 2009 16:35
One of the things I love about doing research and reading old texts and newspapers is coming across the occasional gem. Right now I'm thinking of writing a paper using old copies of Come Out, a newspaper of the Gay Liberation Front that was based in New York. The copies that I'm looking at date from the late 60s and early 70s, basically right after Stonewall. Here's a letter to the editor that had me cracking up:
To Whom it May Concern:
Please send me a copy of "Come Out."
Needless to say I am not a homosexual. In fact, I can't even think of another woman touching me. It makes me want to puke. If any of my children (five) turn out to be homo - I will accept it with feeling of love that I feel toward them today.
Horray! for love and undestanding. And piss on what narrow minded people think. Thank you for letting me express myself.
Mrs. Helen D.
Proof that someone can be both passionately disgusted and in complete support of the same thing.