Patti and I Kensington Marketed it up today. Neither of us had ever explored that part of Toronto, so it was a mutual first. It's a pretty quaint area of town. Very packed with people, cars, some hippies, a few trendier folks and one infoshop with reportedly sketchy labour practices. Overall cool place that I'll check out when I have a need for stuff like that.
On a totally unrelated note, I found out about
Chumbawamba has recorded an EP that's ready to go out on the day Margaret Thatcher dies. Would somebody please be a dear and order a copy for me? I would love you forever.
It may happen next month, it may happen in five years, but by ordering now you can rest easy in the knowledge that you’ve put a down-payment on a small and perfectly-formed segment of the celebrations.
(I'm sorry if seeing the words "Margaret Thatcher" and "In Memoriam" got anybody's hopes up. Hang in there. The day will come soon enough!)