o_O I'm retarded

Jun 16, 2005 08:12

Yah. I'm retarded and kinda forgot that I made this account. Bleagh, I'm stupid. XD

Loomer is going to EAT me. I still have yet to pay for my yearbook. YEAH. He keeps waving his clipboard at me (the one with the dollar sign made of scotch tape on it) and glaring. I'm waiting for some six foot three hundred pound black man named Bubba to sneak up on my at the water fountain and break my legs. >.O owwie.

By the way? I suffer withdrawal. I have not written ANYTHING in a week. ::withers up and dies. Crumbles into a pile of flakey-flower-stuff::

Went to The Wake yesterday. Urgh, it sucked. I cried a lot. It was really depressing. I didn't cry very much until towards the end of it. All the people who were there, just... crying. It's a little bit contagious, I guess. I didnt know Nick, and hardly knew Squirlz, but I thought it would only be right to pay my respects. Gods. It makes you think, you know? Life is prescious, corny as it sounds. And when you get down, you think "maybe it would be better if I weren't here..." and then you stop. And you remmber all those people who just cried their hearts out. And you feel bad. Especially if you're not crying yourself right away. Its almost scary, you know? It sucked. Kitty and I stayed until abou seven thirty then headed off to go to Mike's. There was some get-together planned and I was gunna drop her off. An hour and a half later we find out that Chunk was in a car accident. Good fucking gods. We all about died right on the spot. The last any of us--them--need is another one gone. And poor Chunk. He was okay, but in shock. And I don't think what happened at The Station helped. I won't say too much because I'm not sure if I'm allowed to or not, but... mnerf.

Anyway. About the day BEFORE the wake. Actually there isn't much. I'm done with any/all finals I have and have been finished since Monday. Yes, thats nice. The whole... Senior-Class-Thing was yesterday afternoon at one. I will never go to another one again. ... Well wait, no, I suppose I wont. XD. But still... I cried like a baby, all alone in my corner of the bleachers. And not just the slideshow. The whole thing. It sucked a lot. I won't go into detail. Either way. It sucks, you know? I had... two great friends, one only slightly moreso than another. And they're both gone. Officially gone. I can't go to the graduation. I wasn't invited, so basically, after tonight they're gone forever. I'm not getting my hopes up for anything in the future. The summer, maybe. But not the future. I'm not really expecting a phone call or an email or anything like that. College is a fun place, but also important. I'm not in college. I dont even know if I want o go now anymore.

Erk. Must go. Mr. Frick is looking at me, instead of Kitty o_O
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