Important people in my life....

Sep 22, 2004 13:00

Since it's my senior year of college and I'm the most sentimental girl ever, I've already started getting all reminescent about my time here at Syracuse.  I've been thinking a lot about all the amazing people I've encountered here and how they've changed and affected me...because overall, the people I've had the pleasure of having in my life recently have had positive impacts on me in many different ways.  So I decided I wanted to chronicle them so when I'm old and senile I can look back and smile.  So get ready for lots of Cindy-esque emotional outpourings!

The Lawrinson crew (Laura, Jen, Autumn, Erin, Dana, Jadam, Bachir, David and Mike): Although there are debates about when this group actually started (was it the night of the frisbee game in front of Lawrison when Bachir ran me over...or what Erin refers to as "the night") this group of people were the reason my adjustment to college life in Syracuse was so easy.  Although when I committed to going to Syracuse I loved how everyone in Spring commended me for going to school so far away, the summer before I realized I was completely scared.  Matt and Alison had to give me a lot of pep talks before I headed up here and I distinctly remember still talking to Matt up until the day I left about how scared I was about knowing practically no one in Syracuse.  But almost from the second I got here, I was blessed with a close knit group of friends.  Sure, we bugged the shit out of each other sometimes, but I'd say the good times of freshman year outweighed the bad.  When I flew home for Thanksgiving, I got together with my friends from high school and couldn't stop talking about how happy I was in Syracuse.  My friend Kristen commented that I was "glowing."  Many of my friends were still having a hard time adjusting to college life....I never really had to go through that thanks to my friends.  I think if I could go back to anything in college, I'd want to go back to one of our infamous dinners in Sadler dining hall! We've vowed we're doing a reunion sometime before we graduate...

Phi Sigma Pi: I remember getting pinned the night of Jadam's Danceworks performance freshman year and all my friends teasing me about joining "the dork frat."  But I'm happy to say that I've never regretted joining it for a second.  Through Phi Sig, I've meet amazing people.  My Sigmas were a big part of second semester my freshman year.  I'll never forget the day Mary Pasho and I became friends...we ran into each other outside Steele Hall and randomly started talking....and ended up talking for 20 minutes even though it was freezing outside!  Mary is a perfect example of how Phi Sig has been a positive influence in my life because conversations with her have helped me become a better and stronger person.

World Family Goddesses (Janel, Marisa and Sarah): And how could I forget my fake sister, Janel?? Janel and I are a perfect big/little match and she's always someone I can go to for advice and who really does inspire me to be a better person by the example she sets because she gives no less than 110% in everything she does.  (Plus, she drinks beer milkshakes with me).  And then there's Marisa Weik...I didn't know her my first semester of Phi Sig because she was in London but we became close fall of my sophomore year...and our physical resemblance meant I could borrow her ID ;)  Then Janel got Sarah as a little, and the World Family Goddesses were complete.  The night of Sarah's induction, Marisa wouldn't stop singing "It's the freakin' weekend baby, I'm about to have me some fun!" and Remix to Ignition became the official World Family Goddesses song.  Being out the ass crazy busy is a prequisite for being a World Family being gone from your dorm or house for a minimum of 8 hours at a time! This summer, we were finally all reunited to see Marisa marry her high school sweetheart, Jason.  And there was an open bar.  And some drunk line dancing.

Booth 412 girls (Jen, Erin and Autumn): Sophomore year, we had the best suite ever and the Booth 412 sluts were born! These girls were already my best friends, but living with them made us even closer (meaning I could search through Erin's panties whenever I wanted).  We came up with the Presidential Sex list.  I talked to Erin through the venting system and scared the crap out of her (Erin, this is your hunger calling!)  Jen jumped into bed with me because she claimed we didn't cuddle enough.  And Jen was dubbed "toilet bowl queen."  On our last night together, we played an infamous drunken game of "Never Have I Ever" where we learned lots of surprises about each other.  Overall, it was a year of amazing girls kept me sane!

The Vagina Warriors: First semester my sophomore year, I auditioned for The Vagina Monologues...but didn't tell any of my friends because I was afraid I wouldn't make it.  So when I actually did make it (only a few lines, but in it nonetheless) they didn't believe me at first!  Being in the show introduced me to an amazing group of women and taught me what it feels like to be committed to a cause, like helping to end sexual violence against women.  Plus, I got a shirt that says "Saving the vagina at a time" on the back of it and that's awesome.

Ok, must go to class and finish later!
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