Dec 10, 2008 08:46
1. i had my senior reviews on monday and they went so well, despite being the most unproductive student for the three weeks beforehand (depression.) i know i did an excellent job of speaking about my work, despite my current personal circumstances. even a week ago i did not think i was going to make it through reviews. the five artists in residence and the director of the school were all so supportive of my work that i actually feel like i've accomplished more being a sad sack than i ever could have hoped.
now that it feels like the depression is lifting, i am fucking psyched for the possibilites for my thesis project.
2. in prep for thesis, i went looking for larger studios last night. found one in a building that i could ride my bike to. want to barter the landlord down about $65 in rent. we'll see if that is this economy it just may be.
3. taking my students on a field trip to the Detroit Institute of Arts today. What is more fun than looking at art?
4. i am taking a loan out from school, about half what i actually can, and will pay off 100% of my debt: the remainder of my car loan, a small personal loan i took to move to NY, my two credit cards and a computer i just got. By 2009, I will be debt free again, since getting married (not including my mortgage or student loans, of course).
5. i am teaching two classes next marking period, so that means more $.
6. road trip to toronto after christmas, where dempz/cardinal/colohan will be reunited. after a break up, i always seem to go to toronto, and it always seems to help. fuck yeah.
wow, that is alot!