Sorta off topic but let me just say how sad I am that MTL no longer has a pro ball team to watch live. =( I do love a good ball game ( seriously no pun intended! )
No kidding, I used to go watch games all the time at the Big O'. But you had to figure this was going to fail... Montreal is a hockey town. Nothing else succeeds here if the team is not winning. Why do you think we lost the Alouettes way back when?
I get that Hockey is more popular, and I like hockey too but I cant afford to go to the games at 100$+ a shot! You can get great seats at a ball game for under 50$ - maybe - strike that - obviously that is part of the problem of sustaining a team.
On another note wanna meet up for lunch next week so I can give you that CD full of your beautiful fiancé?
I can go at 12 , 12:30 or 1, any day ( Thursdays I do like to take a class though ) So you pick a day and a time and I'm all yours. Do you have anywhere particular you like to eat around there?
I miss the Expos!
On another note wanna meet up for lunch next week so I can give you that CD full of your beautiful fiancé?
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