Nov 14, 2008 12:23
I need to get off my ass and take care of business. I've got a four day weekend (yea for jobs with vacation days!), but I don't know what I want to do. Actually I know what I want to do, I just can't organize it all in my brain.
Things I Need To Do:
- Get my oil changed
- Pick up some stuff from the fabric store for the new doll Tyson's making
- Unload and reload dish washer
- Cut and organize my coupons
- Do something with my damn hair!
Things I'd Like To Do:
- Go through my magazines and books, take the rejects to Half Price
- Transfer the IBM parts in my car to my work van
- Bathe the Buckster
- Take pictures of my awesome vintage chalkware carnival prize collection
that Tyson amassed for me as an anniversary gift
- Go shopping for shoes, fabulous shoes
I had a call the other day at Belk, which I had never been to before. They had some awesome shoes for really good prices. Nice designer shoes for half price. Since I was working I couldn't really shop. Unfortch, the Belk closest to me is in Rockwall. I might get mom to come with me this weekend since Garland is half way to Rockwall. We'll see...