The Truth is, Most People Aren't Looking to Love a Perfect Person Anyway Chanced across this in (what?) thoughtcatalogue. Not sure how "correct" it is, like maybe its loving wrongly or something, but I agree with some stuff..
Its the notion that people fall in love with other's faults. Whaatt? Love the parts that show us we're human as well, rather than walls of fake perfection that we try so hard to build up.
Strangely, I realised I really do find it easier to love people who share their difficulties, insecurities, faults, rather than people still have their image of "doing life well". Maybe the truth is that No one does life well. Maybe the truth is that everyone fails at life. Maybe thats what it means when people is "We are but human".
Maybe its because when we discover their beautiful flaws, we discover (discover? more like remind ourselves) that they're humans too, just like us?
.. so what, is it just "a matter of finding someone whose scars align with yours like little puzzle pieces, someone who understands what it was like when you were (are) hurting, and not just what it means for them that you are in some ways broken"
How much we try so hard to be good at life. And pretend that we are good at life. Pretend that what, we've got work and life balanced out, close with our family, a bunch of tight-knitted friends, that we give our best for them, and we're cool with everyone, patient enough to deal with our problems, got good music sense, learnt enough life skills, independent, don't need no one else, .. seriously unending list.
Maybe its about acknowledging our own stupid idiotic areas, although we really want to get rid of them so badly, and letting others love us for them. I guess all too often we keep denying our own weaknesses and mistakes infront of people. We say that its just a one-time thing, or that i'm not really that way, or that i don't have a problem because i'm working on that. (Dude this sounds exactly like what I do to my family! I just pretend i'm all alright and independent and stuff.) Maybe thats exactly whats making us unlovable? And maybe the opposite is exactly what makes some people just so lovable? -- the honesty and humility, not hiding anything, no walls. Rather than our ego, and the lengths we go to protect it.
Doesn't this mean we have to be honest about our own sins and faults and difficulties? Isn't this what people mean when they say that you have love yourself before you can expect others to love you?