Dicovered Attraction

Jun 13, 2012 16:17

Title: Discovered Attraction

Author: Loustat

Rating: T

Main Parings: Tyler H./Colton H., Jerek

Disclaimer: I do not own the boys, nor do I claim any rights to Teen Wolf (Damn!)

Summary: The boys have to share a kiss on screen and realize there has always been something between them all along.

Warnings: Language, Man Kissing. Sorry, no sex in this one shot for now guys. Next one, promise!

Authors Note: My first Tyler H. and Colton H. fic. These boys are my OTP! Hope you like! Reviews are loved...

No Beta so forgive any mistakes you may come across...

Tyler smirked as he observed Colton running his lines in his trailer, unaware of his presence. Colton was pacing back and forth as he read over the script for their next coming episode and Tyler could see the blond man was nervous. Though Tyler was professionally composed on the outside due to his many years of acting experience, inside he was just as nervous as the young man looked.

It had caught the whole cast off guard, especially Tyler and Colton, when the writers announced that Derek and Jackson were going to be sharing an unexpected kiss on screen and that Jackson was to be Derek's mate. As far as Tyler knew about his character, or thought he knew until now, Derek was as straight as they come and seemed to have little to no interest in Jackson whatsoever. Guess the Jerek shippers, from what the fans called his and Colton's characters in a couple of fanfics that he couldn't help but take a peek at, voices were heard.

Sure, MTV showed their support to the gay community by making Jackson's best friend gay, but that's as far as that seemed to go. It's not many a show out there that suddenly decides to throw in some gay romance between two unlikely pairings in a very hetero series. Tyler has always liked a challenge being an actor and this is something he is very interested in seeing unfold. After all, he considers Colton one of best friends and they are always attached at the hip off screen anyway whenever Colton isn't being pawed at by Holland. If he were honest with himself, he would also admit the idea of feeling Colton's full, tempting lips against his own has always been one of his many curiosity's since he met the young man. So yeah, he wouldn't at all be opposed to it.

The question is, he didn't understand why Colton appeared so nervous about their characters upcoming romance considering Colton definitely did his share of man to man action over the years during his modeling days. Tyler remembered the rumors going around about Colton when it was announced he was to be one of the characters in Teen Wolf and he remembered how weary Colton seemed when he first stepped on set with his fellow cast mates and Tyler made it a point to be the first to greet him with a huge hug and supportive grin. Of course, Colton never confirmed the rumors of his sexuality but as far as Tyler could see, his friend didn't seem all that interested in dating and was fully focused on the job at hand.

"Shit, Ty! How long were you standing there?"

Tyler shot his head up to look at his friend who was now standing in front of him and blushing slightly as he waited for a response. Tyler shrugged and waved his script in front of Colton with a sheepish smirk, "Was wondering if you wanted to go over the script with me?"

Colton's cheeks seem to blush darker, causing his freckles to stand out more before clearing his throat and nodding jerkily, "Yeah, sure. I was just getting familiar with my lines." Colton paused for a moment and cleared his throat again, "What part did you want to go over?"

Now Tyler found himself blushing and ran his hand through his dark hair, "I was thinking we go over the scene right before our characters, ah, kiss. You know, just so we can get more comfortable?"

Colton couldn't help but smile as he watched his friend fluster for the first time since they met. It was refreshing to know he wasn't the only one nervous about the unexpected change in their character's dispositions. Though he has done his share of kissing other men in his previous profession, it was always just a job to him; something that had helped him to make a living until he landed a spot on Teen Wolf. But this, kissing Tyler, meant something else to him entirely. He couldn't help but notice the man's overwhelming beauty with his dark hair and deep green eyes and a body to match.

Colton could appreciate good looks when he sees it and no man he has ever come across struck him as hard as Tyler had. The man was not only gorgeous; he was also kind and had a wonderful sense of humor. He was the first to greet him when he first stepped onto set after the unfair rumors about him started spreading and helped him to feel relaxed and welcomed without judgment.

Yes, Colton could admit that he had a crush on the guy and he nodded as he flipped his script to the page they were about to rehearse, "Okay, let's do this."


"Derek!" Jackson called out to the supposed alpha as he stormed into the remains of the burnt down Hale manor, anger running through every fiber of his tense body. The bite didn't take and he didn't know what the hell that meant and he wanted answers from the absent leader. "Hale, where the hell are you?"

The house remained silent and Jackson couldn't even hear so much as a creak as he made his rounds throughout the manor and finally made his way back to the front door again and stopped to listen for any sign of Derek's presence. There seemed to be no indication that Derek had been there at all. No sign of life like there used to be when Derek occupied it. Just darkness and silence and for the first time in his young life, Jackson could actually feel the loneliness the empty house seemed to bring and he wondered briefly how Derek managed to live here by himself for as long as he did.

Jackson shook himself out of his stupor when he heard the sharp creaking of the floorboards echo the announcement of a visitor about to make themselves known and he turned towards the sound to see the familiar silhouette of the man he was looking for standing a few feet away from where he stood.

"What the hell are you doing here, Jackson? It isn't safe here anymore." Derek growled as those crimson red eyes glared at him. Jackson felt himself wanting to recoil away from the monster in front of him but he held firm, returning the glare.

"You tell me, Hale!" Jackson spat, all the anger that he kept inside finally bursting out of him, "You left the day I was spewing that black crap all over the place without so much as an explanation or help. I haven't seen you since and I can't pick up on your location like I'm supposed to. What the hell's going on and why am I not one of you? You know something and for some damn reason, you aren't giving me any fucking explanations!"

"I told you I don't know why your body is rejecting the bite. I've never seen it happen before. It could be a lot of reasons Jackson and I can't give you the answer you want. I haven't been around because I'm building up the rest of the pack and I don't have time to solve your little problems." Derek sneered, annoyance evident in his tone like Jackson was wasting his precious time and that fueled Jackson's anger even more.

"You're supposed to be a damn alpha! I thought you assholes had all the answers to life's deepest secrets. Obviously, I was right about you." Jackson unwisely got into the alpha's face as he said the last words he's been wanting to say to the man all night, "You do make a crappy leader."

Jackson cried out in pain as he found himself being thrown and slammed against the nearest wall by Derek's strong hands and cringed as the alpha gripped him by his throat, livid and breathing hotly and so close that Jackson could feel Derek's breaths caressing his face and neck. Jackson struggled weakly against the werewolf's hold and whimpered when Derek bared his fangs and unsheathed his deadly claws.

"Don't you ever speak to me in such a tone again. Understand?" Derek seethed so close and threatening.

Jackson scowled his defiance. He had never been made to submit to anyone in his life and he wasn't going to start now, "Screw you, Hale!" he managed to choke out.

Derek grinned, menacing and cruel, "Is that an offer?"


"That's not in the script, Tyler!" Colton laughed as he broke out of character and good-naturedly pushed Tyler off of him and Tyler chuckled as he stepped back to give Colton some personal space.

"Come on, dude. That so sounded like an invitation." Tyler teased with a wink. Colton rolled his eyes and blushed slightly as he read the script further. They were so close to their inevitable kiss and Colton wondered if Tyler purposely ruined the scene to gain some time.

"Okay, let's get this over with. We need to figure out how Jackson and Derek are going to go about the kiss," Colton cleared his throat as he fought off the tremble of nervousness in his voice and pushed himself to say the words, "I was thinking Derek makes the first move and Jackson takes on the challenge since he's obviously competitive when it comes to control. Give the fans a nice show."

Tyler nodded, considering Colton's idea and smirked with a mischievous glint in those hazel eyes, "Someone's been thinking a lot about this."

Colton blushed crimson and playfully punched Tyler's shoulder, "Fuck off, dude. I'm just way more pro-"

Colton suddenly found his lips being taken roughly under Tyler's own and he groaned as Tyler's tongue coaxed his lips open to slide inside. Colton has never been so turned on before in his life as this is the first male kiss he's ever considered hot. Tyler was all tongue and teeth and he nipped at Colton's full bottom lip. His hands were all over Colton and Colton couldn't help but moan his approval as his own hands explored the grooves and muscles of Tyler's muscular form.

Finally, both men came up for air panting and trying to regain their composure as they remained in each other's arms and Tyler grinned sheepishly, resting his forehead against Colton's and worried eyes searching for reassurance.

"That was unexpected." Colton whispered with a grin.

"Yeah," Tyler grinned in return, nose tenderly nudging Colton's own, "Long time coming and not just for our characters."

"Guess we are going to have a lot of talking to do later." Colton said with a satisfied smile as he nipped at Tyler's kiss swollen lips.

"Yeah, but for now we need more practice if we want the fans approval." Tyler whispered before recapturing Colton's lips again. Colton chuckled as he allowed Tyler to once again take the lead.


t.h/c.h fic

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