Alright guys, here's the dig: I'm thinking of leaving Starbucks. I've been with them for 3 years, and I just feel like our time together is winding down. Whenever I'm there, I'm cranky. I'm miserable. I just work so I can leave. I don't enjoy it anymore. And what's more, I need more money. I can survive on this, but I have goals. I make less than $
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How much longer do you have left until graduation? If I was you, I would wait until I had my college degree, and THEN worry about making more money. There's hardly any job you can go to right now where you'll be making $10+/hour. If you hate your job, welcome to the club, and use it as a motivation to get your degree so you can get the hell out of there. If you're scared, it's not because you're afraid of change, it's because you're smart. If majoring in elementary education is anything there like it is here, you should be getting an internship at an elementary school your last couple semesters - use that to your benefit. Get to know them, kiss some butt, impress them with your mad skillz, and ensure that they like you enough to give you an actual job once you graduate.
Moving out of your mother's house is a big step. Yes, you have a chance of moving out if you make more money - but what about roommates, furniture, health insurance, rent, and emergencies? How the hell are you going to manage those? Until you have solid answers for those questions, I think that moving is out of the question. No one likes living with their parents, for many reasons. Having good reasons to hate living at home is not in itself a good reason to get into a potentially unstable situation. Yes, it's going to be hard at first, and it's going to STAY hard unless you get a professional job. You're not going to find your balance as a wage earner, you are going to go crazy trying to make ends meet, especially if you're still trying to get your degree. Living at home sucks but if you focus on school now and worry about the money once you have your degree, your pursuit of happiness might be more successful. Your wants are legitimate and understandable, but you need to better prepare yourself to fulfill those desires. Do you think I WANT to move back into my parents house after I get my BA, after over three years of independent living? Hell no. But that's how I'm going to be able to afford my post-graduate education. Sometimes you have to make huge, long-term sacrifices for the even huger picture and the longer term.
That doesn't mean not to look. However, with an incomplete degree and a shitty economy, be prepared to be disappointed by what you find. There is always a chance that you may get lucky, but the odds are very, very against you.
Mind you, I'm not saying I'm 100% right and you must listen to me (even though I'm sure I sound that way). This is just my $0.02 on how the situation appears to me, because I'm thinking that deep down you probably know the answer, and only you can know for sure.
Whitcha paranoid ayuss!! Thinking yourself crazy and all this. Take a step back and think about it calmly. Write it down if you need to be objective. You're better than all this panic, I promise.
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