Feb 17, 2010 07:48
I have just finished a history essay which I know is really no good, as far as history papers go. But I truly believe that it's not entirely my fault. School here has gotten hard, and somehow not good enough at the same time. First of all I'd like to ask why school has only become challenging after taking 6 more credits than the minimum requirement to be a full time student. Shouldn't 12 credits be plenty hard enough, and 15 quite difficult?
More specifically, my history class for which the essay is due. Now, anyone who knows me knows that high word counts are the bane of my existence but equally annoying are incredibly small ones. I don't understand how my professor can possibly expect exqusitely detailed and well argued papers in under 1500 words using only two sources and a day or two of class discussion as the back up. Every other history class I've ever taken has required oodles of sources and spent lengthy amounts of time discussing the material, where we were ACTUALLY TAUGHT SOMETHING BEFORE HAND. How can she expect us to have brilliant arguments when we only have sources and really no context to put them in? I just don't know. Such a fast turnover of subjects and paper assignments seems contrary to the whole idea of historical study in which historians work for YEARS on projects on pretty specific subjects but then expect the same quality after two weeks on something so vague as compare and contrast these two books. Where's the research? Where's the history? The professor is horrible. Not getting a good review from me.