Mar 25, 2008 20:37
I managed to pwn the asses of Team Galactic over and over as I retrieved Palkia. Sadly I did faint him the first time. Loupcario was very good but just a tad too powerful. I misunderestimated how powerful he's become and he killed Palkia. XD So rapid revert to saved game and use weaker moves. And I have him! Guess what I called him? Capt. Jack. Oh I'm such a Torchwood nerd. :P Now I need a few pokemon to be called Ianto, Gwen, Toshiko and Owen. *laughs* All in one team, they make Team Torchwood. But I'll save the names. I will be trading some Pokemon next Manc meet.
And you'd never guess. I caught TWO Gibles. After one was set aside for trade by a friend, I caught two. A pair of male and female. So I will breed them and perhaps Everstone one. I'll say this about dragon types. They aren't easy to befriend. I'll walk with Jack and Gorjaw, the male Gible, so I can friend them. I'll also try and capture the three lake pokemon but they are damn hard. Most of my hard hitters are level 60 now and I'm as tough as any of the Elite Four. In that I aim to KO with one hit and heavy, heavy use of type trumping, which is NOT conducive to catching new ones. And that's with the weakest attacks too. XD
With this in mind, I aim to level up a few others to a nice steady level. I'm thinking level 40 for a good balance of speed and HP,so they don't get knocked out and still can attack. If I whittle the three down carefully, I can catch them. And yet again, it's egg hatching time. Oh yes, setting up eggs for trade. I have 37 Shieldon fossils now. Please, please, I want rid of them! Soon as I get beyond the wifi connection, I am resurrecting them and putting them up for trade. Dammit, I didnt want a herd! XD