Mar 13, 2008 21:54
First to a review. Something Borrowed was simply great. after A Day in the Death, which was a major disappintment in my eyes, SB restored my faith. Phil Ford is a brilliant writer and one who wrote classic lines for this episode. It was full of humour and the action was evenly paced for once, not a mish mash.
What I liked best was the tender treatment of the Jack/Ianto relationship. Ianto was less angsty than when Chris Chibnall writes him and at the end they danced together. Aww! How sweet! It was a much better treatnent of that relationship and I look forward to seeing it grow.
The other thing was the humour. It felt like a light skippy episode and the one liners were very well timed. Monster Jack was not a twist I expected though! Adds a new dimension to him and he did look cutely dopey as he wondered why he was beng shot. He he, Jack always looks cute but especially so when wearing big teeth and looking gormless. This shapeshifter isn't very bright is he? Hmm.. And Ianto in a wedding dress? Hmm... Sounds kinky. ;)
Chris Chibnall and Phil Ford. Best writers thus far of this sereies. AS for S1, I won't judge until I've seen it again. All I hope is that Phil stays on. The others seem to have their own agendas sadly.
In other news, I am startig my third job tomorrow. For two weeks, I will be working in a fire station for an additional 3 hours. Well.. it comes in handy! Extra monies always welcome. And I'm awaiting my tax rebate. 3 years to wait for them to say I'd overpaid. Honestly.....