'Sup, party people? This is a little download I've been sitting on because I'm super lazy always busy atm.
No, but seriously, if there is anybody out there who also needs 63 recolors of Mixedups screenshot background rug in a bunch of
Eversims palettes (Kerplunk, Peggy Sue I and II, and Picking Daisies), well have I got news for you.
No snazzy in game previews this time because they would look silly.
I use this rug to take preview of my work all the time, and usually use
Raemia's version in Curious B's colours, but I was after a new colour set. I looked around to see what everyone else had done, but I'm not a massive fan of super bright colors (I'm looking at charlton in my swatch right now as I write this and it's giving me a headache, but it's in for completness' sake), they just don't fit in with my game/asthetic like they used to. So that's the story behind this set. Super exciting, I know.
Mesh is included because I can't find the original upload anywhere (if anybody has a link I'd be grateful, so that I can credit properly).
Mesh Info:
Credits: MixedUp
Requires: Nightlife
Colour Credit:
Eversims DownloadOmg, I keep typing posebox instead of photobox.