wow I have been a good deal of time without updating/internet
I was away on a family vacation
we went to Mt. Rogers for a camping adventure... which turned sour very quickly
We brought
Multan along for his birthday, which was kind of like celebrating his last 2 birthday's at the same time because we promised him we'd all go to Busch Gardens last year and told him we would go camping this year
he was also there to keep me from killing my sister :-p
I brought the computer along to watch movies and play games during the 9 hour car ride
and I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to connect to the wireless internet at the hotel we stayed at on Thurs
after we set up camp and finally got to relax again it started raining and continued to rain intermittently for the rest of the vacation, even at Busch Gardens on Friday
so it was wet and muddy, but we did some biking, hiking, and exploring
most importantly we all got to relax and do whatever the hell we wanted to
I got to thinking what I wanted to do after I retire from whatever line of work I go into
of course it takes place in Ireland :-P
i decided I would sell everything in the US and buy a pub/Inn in Ireland (possibly Cork or Killarney, but not Dublin) a local joint where I could get to know everyone personally
no surprise there ;-)
on another note
I formatted my old desktop and just got it up and running the way I want it to
it works much better now, but still not up to the glory of the Mac :-D
It seems that I am working a double tomorrow and closing
so that means 9am to 12am working
fun stuff
especially since I have a big red burn mark on my arm, and cuts all over my hands
that's what you get from taking a week off... I have to start all over again with these cuts and burns
racked up a big ass oven burn (there's a white circle where a screw hole was) and two deep cuts from grabbing knives, plus a number of smaller cuts and burns
from what I've heard we have at least 5 reservations over 10 tops (10 people)
and a bunch more of tops under 10 tomorrow
needless to say I'll be zonked after tomorrow
hope I have monday off
one of our cooks is approaching 60 hours this week
that's messed up
plus Beale Street doesn't have to pay overtime because they haven't made a million dollars yet
to be sure I'd be making major cash if they payed overtime
I've been over 40 hours most of this summer and I've usually gotten 2 days off every week
how crazy is that?!
I got a letter from UMBC today
It has my class placements on it
I took the test and did horribly on the english section
I had 4 paragraphs in a 5 paragraph essay and I left out the conclusion because of time that would have really made my essay make sense
but I took too much time thinking of a reaction as relating to a book I read this year and then trying to remember the book's title
(wanted to shoot myself because I knew I would think of it 2 mins after I turned in my test... and I did)
and then there was a speed reading/definitions section which I didn't finish in time
so I got in english 100A (emphasis on writing mechanics... LOL)
good thing I'm going into Engineering :-D
looking at the course catalogue it seems that eng 100 is the basic english freshman course
201 is the advanced stuff... at least I did get into 099
that would suck balls
yea I aced the calc and alg sections
it was way too easy, and I'm sooooooo glad I had Gorsline this year
she helped a TON
so I'm in math 151 (calc and analytic geometry... w00t!)
and then there's french
got into french 201 and I think I'll only have to take one semester of that hellish language (nothing personal dlcamelot :-) )
looks like I'm taking french 3 all over again
"Further development of listening comprehension and speaking skills and increased emphasis on reading, writing and cultural knowledge." -UMBC course catalogue
also looks to be summer reading (Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier)
campus wide discussion...something of that nature
didn't they make a movie out of that book?
couldn't they do something interesting like 1984? (btw just finished it and LOVED it)
it seems that UMBC has a tight reign over their computer network
it may be difficult to acquire the software and music I so love to acquire :-P
that being said I think I'll download as much as possible at home and use WASTE at school
that and run an ftp server :-P
all legal material of course
most likely live shows, since I am collecting them atm
but any help would be MUCH appreciated... "much" as in cash reward
I am looking for:
the macromedia package for mac (MX 2004)
any and all games for a mac
photoshop CS
mia for mac?
and anything else you think I would like :-P
I will either trade you or buy it from you
PLEASE help me out here
I've had something nagging at me all night, but I've forgotten
oh well
much love