I had to dish wash again tonight
I don't think Jesse thinks the other dishwashers can handle the fast pace or something
dawnett (jamaican 30 year old blac lady... REALLY NICE) is very thorough, but doesn't do half of the things that need to be done when she closes, and she takes FOREVER to get everything done and she doesn't support the line, but I'll tell you what... when she's done it's beautiful
johnny (14-15 cox high school sophmore (?), short) gets everything done fast, but doesn't do a good job of it, he's fun to work with because he's always joking around, but he just turned in his 2 weeks notice because he says he hates his job...oh well, he's worked there 3-4 days a week with school and all
so now they're looking for a dishwasher and I'm really pushing for Greg, but it takes them so long to make a decision... it's crazy
Greg filled out an application when we were still in school (exams I think) and they are just now taking a look at all the apps they've received
but they're starting to contact people about interviews
so that's good
I had to ride my bike to work today and after I got there found out I was an hour late...and that my mom could have given me a ride if I would have left on time
I was soaking wet all night, even when I got home
my shoes were squeeshey and my shorts were uncomfortable, but I made it... at 11:30, which means I got home at 11:48...
so now it's 1 am
I need to be at work at 9 am and I get to work till my head falls off
(most likely 11pm... maybe earlier)
but this time I'm not going to get a 2 hour break like last time
probably 1 hour at most, which makes it not worth it to go home (18 mins there)
and I wanted to go watch sand soccer!
oh well...
I'll get to see a lot on sunday
Carrie's playin, so at least I know someone entered in it
I'll probably see others, but atm that's the only person I know playing
I probably won't make it to Graham's on sat night, but I might stop by
and thanx Allison for all the many persistant reminders via AIM (I got them all)
and now for your entertainment...