SPIRITUAL BEAUTY - You are calm, peaceful, and content. Introverted and quiet, you know everything about yourself. You never speak without thinking and every decision you make is well thought out. Since you know yourself so well you aware of your strengths and your shortcomings, which gives you the advantage of easily learning from your mistakes and improving yourself quickly. You may or may not be religious. If you are religious your faith and convictions are solid and no one can sway you from your beliefs.
What type of beauty do you possess? (20 questions + 7 results + pretty pics) brought to you by
Quizilla & all this time, I'm loving life.
I'm going through a tough time. Why it has to be THIS tough, only God knows why, but I seriously just want to like, fall over and die every day I come home. It's okay though. I'm dealing. Not going to kill myself, haha.
School is fine, yeah. It's.. easy. All of it. APUSH isn't that hard, as long as I study. I hardly studied for the test on Tuesday and got an 88.. with the extra credit tho. but still. And that's it, really. Essay due on Tuesday for APLang. Yeah. Oh, I hate my precal teacher. Whatev.
What all am I supposed to say .. ? .. I'm going to read a chapter and go to bed.
`<33 christine.