Random Thoughts

Apr 20, 2005 14:10

Sorry friends, live journal surveys are getting out of hand. The mindless self indulgence of filling out survey after survey of pointless questions has become tiresome. I do not care about “your first thought in the morning”, nor do I care if you like ever “had sex with a co-worker."

I have come to the conclusion that I am probably not using my live journal how it was intended to be, but let’s face it; I live an average life in which you would not want to read about (and the same probably applies to you). I’m not going to fill the pages of my live journal with what I ate for breakfast and what movie I saw over the weekend. I know you would all rather shoot yourselves than listen to me rattle on about my so called ‘life’. Nor will I bore you with stupid surveys in which you will probably never read. So friends and enemies join with me in removing the surveys from your live journals or forever be the self infatuated scum of the universe.

The gay pride symbol is the ultimate symbol in gayness. There is nothing (and I mean nothing) more gay than a multi-colored rainbow. I give props to the gay or lesbian whom invented this truly gay symbol. My only bicker is that the lines of the gay rainbow should be slightly skewed instead of straight.

Some of the greatest albums of (my) time may include:
Nirvana - Never mind
Bush - Sixteen Stone
The Used - (Self titled)
Counting Crows - August & Everything After
^ get em' now
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