During my years of service in the Buffy fandom there was a meme-ish sort of thing that went 'round a couple of times regarding the various characters. In particular, your take on said character; why they were the way they were etc. So I thought I'd drag out that old chestnut and give you the beginnings of my take on the lovely Donna Noble. It's
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-worked since the age of nine, going out with his father's barrow.
-bought his first telescope when he was 11 from a pawn shop in Covent Garden
-RAF in WW2 cause it was the closest he could get to the stars; generally doesn't talk about it though he's considering telling Donna about that police box he once saw coming home from the pub on leave during the Blitz...
-shotgun marriage (Sylvia was conceived at the pictures, a 3D sci-fi double bill.)
-wonders what would have happened if his wife hadn't died so young
-understands Sylvia now more than he did when she was growing up. Wishes it was the other way round.
-Doesn't know what he'd do without either his daughter or grandaughter.
-Is dying to get a proper look at the TARDIS. Maybe even a little trip, though nowhere dangerous, not with his sciatica.
-Will never tell Donna that he's scared that she won't come back.
-Keeps an extra mug and a packet of chocolate biscuits up by the allotment, just in case The Doctor pops by one of these nights...
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