She's Leaving Tuesday [Monday really]

Jan 27, 2006 20:48

So… I'm moving to Toowoomba! If you have no clue as to where that is, think of Qld, then Ipswich.. then drive about an hour inland and up a massive range of mountains and voila.. Toowoomba.
And if you really want to know more then go look it up on the internet =P

Anyway, the boy and I are moving on Monday.
And we're moving to his Nan's place for a few weeks while we work for her and collect money for our very own place.
Which means I wont have internet access until we get our place..
Though, you won't really notice any difference. But I do read your entries, I just don't make the effort or time to comment and such. *hides* So I'll be completely in the dark about your lives… However my mobile still exists!
If you want it, email me ;)
If you want my email, comment here ;)
If you can't do that then press any key.

Sorry.. Odd mood!


Ooh, Miss Jackie, don't worry - assuming you still wish to come down! - I will be here that weekend. I shall be having a BBQ on the Sunday night - OF COURSE you're invited, duh Fred! - and so yeah… Birthday slash Buh-Bye party. =)
So, being that it's the weekend after this, are we still on. I would have given up and gone elsewhere if I were you, so I understand if you already have ;)

Okay.. Seeing as though everyone has a life on Friday nights and Chris is out with his cousin I might go do shtuff! =D

"Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated & drunkness sobered. But stupid lasts forever" - Aristophanes
From The Emporer's Club [Shyte movie, good quote ;P]
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