Nov 20, 2006 04:50
-List ten things you want to say to people but know you never will.
- Don't say who they are, use people only once.
- All who read this must post in their own journal
10. I wish I could give you all my heartaches to help and teach. And I’d slap you for not being able to see it for what it is, but I still love you.
9. You sorely messed up and you don’t even recognise it. Man, you dissed me for people you pissed on for years! Fuck you, you make me angry and that angers me. No more! I’m trying to ‘get over it’, but at the same time I know you don’t care. You have your everything now, and now I’m no longer important. *phew*
8. I wanted to miss you for years, but anger held me back. Now I miss you and sadness/regret holds me back
7. I am jealous of you. I didn’t like you for a bit [sorry] coz I wanted to be you, and I couldn’t while you were in my life - Stoopid hunh!? Now I want you in my life so that I will never forget how wonderful you are and how I will never compare!
6. You are difficult. Everyone loves you to the most that they can… I feel I have been taught to dislike the things everyone loves. I’m forever in a tug-o-war with myself. You are a good person [most of the time] and I shouldn’t take it out on you. Sorry about that, but I must tell you - you are not the bee all and end all, honest.
I still love you though. Just like everyone else ;)
5. Enough of the spouting crap, just talk to me. I miss you, its been ages, and everytime I think to talk to you, I dread the crap that comes with it. I love you.
4. I hated you for a teeny bit there, all because you will last forever, and for some stupid reason I thought you might like to have your time with him. I know better now.
3. You are my liddle sister. This is not the end and life will only improve. I would stab your mother with a smart knife in the hopes of improving her.. either way you’d be better off! I secretly wish for you to come live with us!
2. I can’t believe the way you treated Chris, you’re such an arsehole sometimes. You had to be all cool around your friends and that meant being an ass. I thought you liked him…
1. Sometimes I hate you… Sometimes being only .5% of the time [I need to work on that]. For ever ever!
Chris' puppy dog is being put down tomorrow so we are driving to Brisbane straight from work tonight to say our goodbyes.
She's old and it wasn't a surprise, but Chris loves her and I don't see why he shouldn't get to say goodbye. Thoguh, I don't think he would have been told had he not rung and it been mentioned. bastardos!
Four jobs I've had in my life:
1- Service station attendant
2- art gallery cleaner
3- student
4- tax agent helperer
Four movies I watch over and over again:
1- Tank Girl
2- Empire Records
3- V for Vendetta
4- Crazy/Beautiful
Four places I have lived:
1- D’Ipswich
2- Penno
3- Sunshine Coast
4- Toowoomba
Four TV shows I watch:
1- the news
2- Top Gear
3- Rokwiz
4- Happy Tree Friends
Four websites I visit daily:
1- myspace
2- hotmail
3- deviantART
4- google
Four of my favourite foods:
1- stroganoff!
2- Curry
3- passionfruit jelly =/
4- halva
Four places I would rather be right now:
1- by Locket’s side
2- Out, taking photos, sitting, watching
3- in bed
4- in the car w/ Chris