Aug 21, 2006 23:11
The things in life that rock:
Got a job as Secretary/Admin in an Accounting Firm. Four of us, two of us newbies. One has been here for only six months. The boss has been doing accounting and bookkeeping for 6 years however.
The place is great. I love my job. I like the people!
Liz [six month girl] is only 20, BUT she rocks! Her birthdate is mine, just two years earlier! funny.
I'm at work. Teehee!
Tad slow today, so I decided to check up on all you lovelley peoples and annoy you all with my update =P
Motor Finance fell through... Half asses. We got the loan, in a round about manner. We just didnt get the loan for what the car costs. BAH.
Full-time goodness... *dreams of all the spending*
The first 6 - 12 months will be spent on debts and crap.
Bought a dryer and new home phone. Neither of which cost a cent out of my wallet! THANKS DAD!
Lovin' the suits and make-up and girly-ness everyday... I'm sure I'll get sick of it though ;)
I just need nails and heels now ;P
Going to be in Newcastle on the 6th of Oct for Dale's wedding... COME SEE ME.. or not. Well, it's not quite Newcastle anyway - Polkabin. I haven't even told the boss I need the time off yet! eep.
Toowoomba is lonely and old! Damned Church-goers making Sundy Trading non existent! How can I get my shopping done when everything is closed on a Sunday!?? Help me people!
And what the fuck!? We vited NO to Recycled Water. Fine, go die of hunger and shit! But I didn't even get to register my vote coz the government took so freakin' long to register me in time! Fuckers!
This is how foolish and utterly moronic Chris' grandmother is, "Are you happy for your son to be wearing prostate cancer!?" Implying that the clothes he wears would be washed in recycled water that has prostate cancer cells in it... *slaps forhead* REALLY PEOPLE~?!! Oh, "And what about A.I.D.S!" .... Okay, enough anger, can we just get weed out the stupid, old people... PLEEEEASE??? *begs*
Why did we have to vote int he first place? This is why we vote for politicians and wankers of the sort, so THEY can put forward our elected ideas and thoughts and do it for us! stupid people!
What did I expect from a country, hick town!?
ANYWAY.. Enough rambling and bitching!
Life is getting betterer and betterer each week. =D
Found my perfect engagement ring... But it's Sterling Silver and the boy wont let go on the fact that it HAS to be gold of some sort.. poopey head ;P So He'll probly get it made into white gold... But it's El-Cheapo! And I love it.
Alrighty, I shall get back to what I'm paid for - sitting on my arse being a bubbley personality to clients =D